Ukraine, Palestine, from Terni to the world for women with cancer

Ukraine, Palestine, from Terni to the world for women with cancer
Ukraine, Palestine, from Terni to the world for women with cancer

Ukraine, Palestine, from Terni to the world for women with cancer

Ukraine – The Fondazione Aiutiamoli a Vivere NGO, known for its global commitment in countries such as Belarus, Ukraine and Palestine, also shows extraordinary attention at a local level, particularly in the city of Terni. Here, the organization is dedicated to supporting women affected by breast cancer and children from needy families who will have to return to school in September.

In a historical period of great difficulty, with humanity grappling with the war in Ukraine and the destruction of the Gaza Strip in Palestine, the Foundation continues to operate incessantly through the “Terni X Terni Donna” initiative. This project, active in the Terni Hospital and the Women’s Health Centre, is committed to providing help and support to women affected by breast cancer.

Recently, however, there has been a worsening of the diagnostic service for patients, who continue to report the need to make their unheard voice heard by the local institution, in particular by the USL. After the first mammographic screening, in fact, women are directed to Foligno for further investigations, despite the fact that the “Breast Unit” operates in Terni in the Women’s Health Centre, recognized as an excellence of the Terni Hospital.

The Aiutiamoli a Vivere Foundation, making its own the requests of the women of Terni represented by Terni These women need not only diagnostic interventions, but also and above all to be listened to and treated with the utmost attention and professionalism.

The Foundation appeals to local institutions to find the time and way to support the action of “Terni X Terni Donna”, committed to alleviating the particular conditions in which women with cancer currently find themselves. It also appeals to local institutions because the Foundation cannot help but intervene when it is called upon to help child populations wherever they ask to be helped.

In particular, in the city of Terni, the Emporio Bimbi San Vincenzo De’Paoli, a city landmark, will not be able to support all the primary needs of children called to go to school in September. The Foundation has undertaken to support the necessary expenses for these activities and avoid the closure of the Emporium.

For this reason, the Foundation calls on local institutions to pay greater attention to the problems of women with cancer and to a child population in Terni struggling with an unprecedented situation in terms of difficulties in school placement and material help.

Before the start of the school year, the Foundation will organize an initiative for the 500 children in the city of Terni in need of help, dedicated to its founding member Father Vincenzo Bella of the Conventual Friars Minor, on the occasion of his birthday, 8 September . This gesture of concrete solidarity will remember his action on behalf of children and will prevent the closure of the San Vincenzo De’Paoli Children’s Emporium.

The Foundation appeals to the City of Terni and its extraordinary capacity for solidarity, so as not to fail to provide concrete help to the smallest and most defenseless, the children of the city of Terni.

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