Cosenza, after yet another mistreatment, decides to report: her husband removed

A marriage that began three years ago, and is characterized by one constant: mistreatment. This is the picture painted by a woman who, in recent days, decided to report her husband afterwards yet another violent episode, which took place in the presence of the children. It happened in Cosenza, where the Flying Squad agents quickly intervened on 17 June, the date on which the victim I file a regular complaint towards her husband.

In fact, this one told of a relationship that was immediately characterized by various physical and psychological abuses. Numerous slaps, kicks, punches, tugging and hair pulling, to the point of tearing them. But not only that: a few days ago yet another bout of violence, which forced the victim to run away into the street to escape the fury of man.

Upon returning home, however, the straw that broke the camel’s back: her husband’s violence she had lashed out at one of her daughters, a minor, beaten to the point of breaking a finger. An episode that triggered the complaint and saw the prompt intervention of the police, who arrived on site to investigate.

Once the investigations were completed, the man was tracked down and arrested on charges of domestic abuseand subjected to no approach to places frequented by family members within a 500 meter radius, in addition to the application of the electronic bracelet.

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