The Volley Prato nursery is achieving success. The best youth parades at the Tavola party

The Volley Prato nursery is achieving success. The best youth parades at the Tavola party
The Volley Prato nursery is achieving success. The best youth parades at the Tavola party

If the first team was relegated to Serie C, the Volley Prato youth team continues to achieve success. During the company party organized at Tavola there was recognition for the members of Emanuele Parretti’s ‘mixed’ team who, having won the provincial title, will now participate in the elite tournament. After them, Davide Bellucci’s I Division took turns on stage, second in the provincial championship, Novelli’s Under 19 team, provincial champion, the excellent Under 17 team coached by Barbieri, second in the regional championship, Novelli’s Under 15 team and Bellucci, second in the provincial, third in the regional and winner of the Biancorossa Cup. And again the Under 13 Senior of Barbieri and Lorenzo Alpini, third in the provincial championship and first in the Biancorossa Cup, and the Under 13 Junior making their debut in the category. Finally, the turn of Serie B and Serie C. “It was a complicated year but we had taken it into account – explains president Giovanni Giuntoli -. It is in seasons like these, interlocutory and not very exciting on the pitch, which, if you work well, the foundations are being laid for the future. We have grown and reached the record number of members with 133 athletes. Numbers that give us hope for the future.”

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