Healthcare, «SISS stalled for days, exasperated general practitioners in Lombardy»

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Because of a IT problem of the national platform that he created disservices in many regionson the day of yesterday the operation of the service was also limited in Lombardy of Electronic Prescription (prescription and dispensing). The same problem had affected the systems on Tuesday. This was communicated by the General Welfare Directorate of the Lombardy Region.

The malfunction concerned the accessibility of the “Central Reception Service” managed at the national level for dematerialized prescriptions. For this reason, there have been inefficiencies related to online booking and the activity of registering prescriptions and issuing illness certificates by General Practitioners.

«In these hours the doctors’ unions are denouncing that in Lombardy the SISS, the regional socio-health information system, on which the prescriptions for medications and diagnostic tests, filling out illness certificates and consulting the electronic health recordit’s in total crash since Monday, so it hasn’t worked for at least four days. And as a regional group of the Democratic Party we can confirm: we are receiving many reports from general practitioners who don’t know what to do”, announced Samuele Astuti, regional councilor of the Democratic Party, after the alarm raised by the doctors.

“Unfortunately, it’s not the first time: As opposition councilors we periodically receive these reports from all the provinces. And it seems frankly absurd to us: in times of artificial intelligence, in a region like Lombardy, family doctors cannot use the system that allows them to work and give patients what they need. THE professionals are exasperated: there are already few of them, if the Region doesn’t put them in a position to carry out the service, the risk is of losing even those few”, fears the dem.

“I am we’ve been going on like this for years: we asked several questions to which the Welfare councilor always replied that they are sorting things out and that everything will work very well. Result: always the same problems. Now we have presented a question to understand how the councilor intends to provide a radical and decisive intervention to the periodic malfunctions, implementing what was anticipated with the response to the similar question time, still dating back to 10 October 2023″, continues Astuti.

«At the time he told us that he had envisaged ‘the implementation of new application systems and digital services based on latest generation technologies, capable of offering an improvement in operational continuity and allowing healthcare professionals to fulfill their professional urgencies in full operation ‘. Since we are still waiting, let’s see if with this umpteenth act, words will become facts”, concludes Astuti.

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