Telephone antennas in the city and protests during the “Neighborhood Council”

Telephone antennas in the city and protests during the “Neighborhood Council”
Telephone antennas in the city and protests during the “Neighborhood Council”
«It is deeply regrettable that the affair of the telephone antenna in via Scipione l’Africano is the object of continuous exploitation without there being behind it a true, real information operation, based on objective elements and not on fears and fears that solicit the citizen instinct. What happened on Monday 17 June in the Santa Maria Vetere neighborhood council is serious for us Administration: the citizens who have been waiting for a long time to discuss the problems relating to the neighborhood with the councilors have seen the debate almost monopolized by other citizens who protested for the Antenna, despite the willingness already shown by the Administration itself to speak in other places.”
The Councilor for the Future Viviana Di Leo intervened, after the protest of the citizens of Via Scipione l’Africano in Santa Maria Vetere.
«In many ways and on several occasions, the Administration has not granted any authorization for the specific antenna in Via Scipione, as has happened in other places. He mediated, yes, so much so that already two years ago the operation was blocked – continues the councilor – But faced with the supra-municipal legislation and the company’s agreement with the private individuals on whose land the antenna will be built, nothing the Municipality has been able and can do, other than the incorrect communications that some persist in making.
We have tried, with no little difficulty, to clarify once again what is happening but it is our duty to clear away misunderstandings and clichés.
And since the Protocol that the Municipality of Andria, with input from this department, signed with Wind3 last January has been brought up several times (incorrectly), let’s start right here. We publish the protocol signed by the parties to make it clear what was signed.
The association of the signing of this protocol with the installation of 5G antennas in the area, in fact, is completely incorrect. Anyone who says this demonstrates that they are not informed about the content of the protocol, stating untrue things on a topic that is in everyone’s interest: public health.
It is unfortunate that a non-existent correlation is being held against us, despite the achievement of an important innovation objective that has the courage to embark on a “smart city” path. Where “smart city” certainly does not mean “let’s flood the city with 5G antennas”, but it is the start of a path to make the city “intelligent”, more efficient and liveable for the benefit of inhabitants and businesses”.

The protocol is published on the institution’s institutional website at this link

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