The Capannori headquarters of the Northern Tuscany Reclamation Consortium is increasingly green

The Capannori headquarters of the Northern Tuscany Reclamation Consortium is increasingly green
The Capannori headquarters of the Northern Tuscany Reclamation Consortium is increasingly green

The Capannori headquarters Northern Tuscany Reclamation Consortium shakes off the ‘dust’ of the past, takes off the heavy clothes of the past and dresses in a light green and increasingly sustainable: they were indeed the renovation and energy efficiency works were completed and certified from over 800 thousand euros of investment which have allowed the consortium headquarters to make an important leap in quality, always in line with the organisation’s mission, i.e. improving its environmental footprint for a ‘green’ future.

“In practice – he explains the president Ismaele Ridolfi – we managed to reduce the energy consumption of the Capannori headquarters by over two thirds”. This is demonstrated by the numbers and in particular by the difference between before and after the intervention, in energy terms: the property has in fact gone from an energy class F, very expensive with 368.20 kWh/m2 per year of consumption, to a very respectable class for a large building, an A2 for an annual consumption of 108.89 kWh/m2.

“This was possible thanks to the works carried out – continues Ridolfi –, i.e. external coat, roof insulation, replacement of fixtures, new electric air conditioning system with farewell to fossil fuels by virtue of the replacement of the methane boiler with heat pump, two photovoltaic systems on the roof”.

The total expense, of approximately 848 thousand euros, also included the construction of new office spaces on the second floor, where previously there was an obsolete archive, and the construction of the new archive on the ground floor.

“An operation – concludes the president of the Tuscany North Reclamation Consortium – which will further improve our environmental balance sheet for 2024 and which confirms the organisation’s desire to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, exploit renewable energy and implement all those measures at a local level that can help slow down the ongoing climate emergency”.

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