the new regional council was installed

On Tuesday 18 June the new regional council of Federcaccia Umbra elected by the regional assembly three days earlier took office. These are the members of the new regional council: president Nazzareno Desideri; deputy vice-president Alessio Casagrande; secretary Fausto Bellafante; councilors Simone Bianchi, Giuseppe Belardi Dottorini, Fausto Cagiola, Gianluca Casciarri, Fosco Fiacchi, Giuliano Lanti, Francesco Longari, Oriano Marchetti, Filippo Marini, Avellino Morelli, Carmelo Pata, Sandro Ruggeri, Francesco Santarelli, Massimo Tiracorrendo, Daniel Tramontana.

Lorenzo Piermarini, Biante Secondari and Bruno Favaroni are also part of the Board of Arbitrators. The Board of Auditors is made up of Massimo Costantini, Emma Scavo and Roberto Sforna.

Nazzareno Desideri, former president of the municipal section, as well as provincial vice-president of Terni will therefore have the burden of leading the new regional council for the next five years. “Born in 1950, with over thirty years of membership in the Umbrian Hunting Federation and a decent professional CV, the federation says, he will certainly be able to be a fundamental figure for the association”.

“Federcaccia Umbra, comments the newly elected president in his first speech, must regain the role it deserves in terms of interlocution with the institutions, in the relationship with the hunting, agricultural and environmental associations and in regional society and must regain the leading role in the management of the Atc. The season of subordination ends; controversies, internal misunderstandings, the incursions of others can no longer prevail over elaboration and action. The primary commitment of the entire bureau will be concentrated on the valorization of diversity, and not the clash of diversity.”

“An internal discussion will have to be reopened, continues Desideri, in a continuous relationship with our municipal and provincial presidents with meetings organized in the area to discuss the multiple ‘hunting emergencies’, to commit to priorities, to enhance and make effectively compatible all forms of hunting, to build a useful and correct relationship between hunters and farmers. I remember that the Umbria Region has an advanced regional hunting wildlife plan, thanks to those who thought of it and supported it, but it must be applied by correcting some distortions that we all know. One cannot fail to notice that the European Parliament has just approved a new law on the restoration of natural areas, going beyond the concept of mere protection, and introducing the most appropriate management: it is a new interesting frontier, certainly to be explored, certainly with risks, but also full of opportunities to be seized.”

“On this and other objectives, Desideri says, Federcaccia Umbra will establish a more intense collaborative relationship with the national studies and research office. Taking care of and managing hunting is not just about calendaring, repopulation or damage to agriculture. In the near future we see a Federcaccia as a protagonist, critical and proactive, an actor in the management of the restoration of a territory suitable for wildlife, a protagonist in the management of ATCs, in the identification and claim of suitable financing for targeted investments in the territory that absolutely needs it ; Federcaccia will have to be a protagonist in the actions to combat the plague of African swine fever, urging the Region to finally implement concrete and decisive actions to eradicate this plague. Further intervention must be addressed on another equally serious problem which concerns the management of damage to agricultural production. I reaffirm and confirm that we will move along this line. Wild boar hunting, driven wild boar hunting and wild boar hunting teams are an irreplaceable heritage that must be defended and valorised”. And precisely in this regard, the new president announced the urgent reconstitution of the sectoral list belt.

“Regarding selection hunting, it is another topic addressed by Desideri, Federcaccia will remove all those distortions, cultural, regulatory and management, which often cause the various practitioners to come into conflict with each other. But I would like to point out that there are not only ungulates and ungulate hunters: we cannot and must not forget that other forms of hunting must find their legitimate valorisation: the ATCs cannot only deal with wild boar, leaving aside as necessary for the hunting of sedentary or migratory species, completely disinterested in the national management plans to be implemented, or clearing one’s conscience with the now laughable repopulations which must be considered expensive and ineffective. And precisely on this launch a loud and clear warning to all sailors: Region, agricultural and hunting associations, presidents of ATC; a loud and clear warning also for the Federcaccia representatives in the ATC, it’s time to wake up otherwise they will walk over our heads”.

“The five-year period will have to be an expression, concludes the new president Desideri, of strong aggregations and growing collaborations, Federcaccia will have the burden of restoring trust and credibility to our hunting world which is often oppressed in every one of its actions, including the environmental one that many of our young people implement with sacrifice physical, but not mental because it is part of our world. Knowledge will need to be expanded on and in the methods of safeguarding territories, on the care of game which is a priority for the ecosystem. These are the objectives that Federcaccia asks of all members and non-members, to be consolidated and maintained with improvements to be studied and applied immediately and in the future”.

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