the Mager-Fellegara axis is born in the run-off to attempt a comeback against Rolando

the Mager-Fellegara axis is born in the run-off to attempt a comeback against Rolando
the Mager-Fellegara axis is born in the run-off to attempt a comeback against Rolando

Yes soul The climate politic to Sanremo a few days from ballot For the lesson of the new Mayor. Alessandro Mager, civic candidate supported, among others, by Claudio Scajola and from movement Let’s change which refers to Giovanni Toti, has found an agreement with Fulvio Fellegara, candidate for Mayor expression of PD he was born in centre-left. The goal is to recover it 10 point deficit from Gianni Rolando, candidate for Mayor of centre-right, supported by Brothers of Italy, Lega and Forza Italia.

A agreement which, according to what transpires, he is creating quite a few tensions within the centre-leftparticularly among the ranks of Democratic party and of CGIL (union that Fellegara led for years before attempting the political adventure).

The first to announce a possible agreement was Mager, at the press conference. This morning Fellegara has accepted the invitation And has officially announced its willingness to support the civic candidate.

Sanremo elections: Mager-Fellegara agreement for the run-off

Alessandro Mager

“Yesterday I sent one long message to Fulvio Fellegara and his coalition asking for theirs electoral support in view of the ballotMager said at a press conference – There are two reasons that justify this request.

The first is that if we compare the programs of my civic coalition and those of coalition Of Fulvio Fellegara we realize that for some parts very significant are substantially superimposable and therefore at the moment in which the purpose is the same, we don’t see why it should be achieved in different ways.

Then there is another political consideration. Unfortunately the turnout at urns was very low, voted just over 55% of those entitled and these 55% of Sanremo people are divided into three segments, roughly 40, roughly 30, roughly 20.

So, staying there division There is the risk that the next mayor of Sanremo will be elected by a truly minority percentage of citizens. And so I believed it was right enlarge, asking about enlarge there electoral base from the my coalition acquiring different instances, precisely on the assumption that our programs were superimposable and this is the reason why I moved in this direction.

Then I want to tell you something on public water which is another of the hot topics of this electoral campaign. Public water, private water. I expressed myself clearly, but evidently what I said was not understood because someone labeled me as advocate of private water. Which isn’t true. I simply limited myself to saying that the company Rivieracqua, created in 2012 was not put in a position to operate correctly. I remember that from 2012 onwards also the political party that now declares itself in favor of public water has administered itso it has some responsibility in the management. The destiny Of Rivieracqua is in hand to the Court Of Imperia, who will have to decide whether confirm the debt restructuring project.

I am not for private water, I am not for private entry into water management. At all. I took note of a situation. I have reluctantly taken note of a situation in which essentially, and I underline unfortunately, we will have to adapt to the decisions of the Court. Obviously, if there was an alternative solution to the entry of the private sector even as a minority share in the share capital of Rivieracqua, I would absolutely agree. I hope that this alternative solution will be proposed. I hope I have clarified this point, it is a point that presents technical aspects that may not be understood, but essentially when it is the Court that must dictate a line I think we must trust what our judges will decide. Among other things, another topic that I have already examined several times, but which perhaps has not been well understood, is that if Rivieracqua goes bankrupt, the private sector enters 100%. And then really goodbye public water.

Then I would like to say a few words about the ways in which i parties Of centre-right they ran the election campaign against me. I am referring in particular to one episode which occurred on the Friday night preceding the first round of the elections, when supporters of the engineer. Rolando, they attached a flyer to the cars in the center which essentially said that if the voters of Sanremo had voted for Mager, this would have meant voting for Claudio Scajola. In short, in that flyer there was a photo taken on an institutional occasion in which I have encountered The mayor Scajola. Moreover – I say this for completeness – I was in Perinaldo on the occasion of the inauguration of a sports center, invited by my friend the mayor of Perinaldo, Francesco Guglielmi, who you all know to have been a member of the PCI and currently of PD. So I went to say goodbye to my friend Francesco Guglielmi. I met Claudio Scajola, who I have known for many years, he is the president of the Province, I greeted him, I know him, he is a person who in my opinion is a valid administrator. But from here to arguing – as was evidently claimed in that flyer – that by voting for Mager you would have voted for Claudio Scajola, the gap is gigantic.

Because I want to say clearly, if anyone had any doubts, that I I have no subjection to anyone. I have always been an autonomous person, I am a man with character, I am a determined man. I’m interested in Sanremo. I have no subservience or dependence, nor within Sanremo on the part of other political forces, nor in Imperia, nor in Genoa, nor in Rome. So I’m only interested in Sanremo, that’s clear. Then this affair in which the President is brought into play – among other things unfairly – Scajola It has contours paradoxical, Why you all know that the majority in the Province that supports President Scajola is the majority of those centre-right parties that are now crying scandal and which in recent years has supported all decisions regarding waste and environmental matters, in all matters.
And then I mean let’s get out of this contradiction once and for all and maybe let’s try to address the issues that interest the city instead of trying to tarnish the opponent with even absurd prospects. I had a endorsement from the President Scajola, Moreover I didn’t ask for it, I hadn’t asked for it, I was pleased but we’ll stop there, we can’t go any further, let’s be clear.

On Toti there is another passage, even ridiculous. Now also the engineer Rolando he clarified what the attitude of Toti during the election campaign. She made it clear late, but she made it clear in a recent interview. But let’s go back for a moment. They arrest Toti. The centre-right parties distance themselves from their president and commission a survey in which, among other things, it is subtly asked whether the interlocutor was aware of the fact that Toti supported Mager: this was truly a risky and frankly unpleasant move.

I met the President TotiI had declared that I had never met him because I actually didn’t even remember it. I had met him once in 2019, but since then, I have never seen him again. Among other things on that occasion it wasn’t just me, engineer Rolando was there too, by the way, because whoever put my photo with Toti nearby could perhaps also have put Rolando’s photo with Toti nearby. President Toti was intercepted for about four years by the Genoa Public Prosecutor’s Office. I, I’m sure that in those thousands of pages of interceptions there isn’t even a reference to me. This is because, I repeat, I have never had relations of a political nature with President Toti, I hope that he will recover his ability to administer as soon as possible and that he will be able to defend himself as best as possible in the trial. Obviously the judiciary will take its course.

I would conclude by saying that in various debates I have heard my interlocutor state that he represents the new. This too is a shocking statement. I have already stated that on a personal level I have no problem with the engineer Rolando, in fact I am a friend and I respect him as a professional, but for him to say that he represents the new when he has held political positions in various parties and administrations for over 30 years, frankly it seems like a statement to me. risky. I represent the new, I have never had direct political positions, I have never been active in politics. And so his coalition is also made up of people who have a very, very long political past. Let it not be said that he and his coalition represent the new, because that is not the case.”

Fulvio Fellegara

“We ran a unique and original electoral campaign and I want to say thank you again to all the citizens who placed their trust in us. Ours was a extraordinary result And powerful.

Around 5000 people have chosen our project and identified the themes of our program as priorities: public health, public interest in every major project that concerns the city, attention to society, cultural, economic and social poverty, attention to the elderly, young people to vulnerable people, neighborhoods and urban mending. To protect the environment and public greenery. Relaunching culture as a driving force for tourism and universities to attract the world’s young people to Sanremo were our guiding stars.

We are faced with a important moment. I appreciate that the civic candidate Alessandro Mager understood that ours proposals they were precise And correct, declaring that they wish to take charge of the requests contained in our program. It means that we were right and that our proposal was necessary. We achieved a first major objective that we set ourselves: we are a force to be reckoned with that deserves to be listened to and to actively participate in the realization of shared programmatic points. We have the capabilities and skills: it will mean that the construction of one Better Sanremo it is possible and we can all play a fundamental role, especially in listening to the population, in sharing choices, in paying attention to families in difficulty, the elderly, children and young couples.

Hand in hand with sharing a clear program, we cannot remain helpless in the face of an extreme right that must be contained and contained, to prevent the same parties and people who mismanaged when given the opportunity from doing damage again. Those parties of the Rolando coalition that have implemented the worst policies on local health, social, infrastructure and transport at a national and regional level and that are bearers of ideologies that are distant from us and dangerous.

It is true we are different, we represent an alternative that has nothing to do with the past. Ours is a coalition that in the vast majority is made up of new faces, engaged in civil society and who have never before run for office in an election. This peculiarity of ours is an added value that can make a difference towards those who are not used to thinking outside the usual patterns of politics. In conclusion, I believe that in an international context dominated by conflicts, it is right and noble to look not at what divides us but at what can unite us. For this reason I publicly declare my support for the candidate Alessandro Mager, wishing him to find equally strong support among all citizens. I invite him not to let his words fall on deaf ears, giving them continuity from now until the end of the electoral campaign.”

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