The reshuffle arrives in Teramo, the new council

After months of reflection, and a very heated public debate also between the political and civic forces that make up the majority, the reshuffle of the Council of the Municipality of Teramo has been completed, which became necessary following the resignation of the councilor Giovanni Cavallari who was elected to the Regional Council.

Mayor Gianguido D’Alberto eliminated the Council, proceeding at the same time with the appointment of the new executive. As part of the reshuffle in Teramo, the new entries into the executive are those of Marco Di Marcantonioformer leader of the Democratic Party, of Graziella Cordoneof the civic list “In Comune per Te” of the President of the Province Camillo D’Angelo and of Miriam Tulli, of the civic town of Cavallari “Bella Teramo”. They go out Valdo Di Bonaventura And Ilaria De Sanctis, respectively of “Teramo vive” and “Together we can”. In the first case, the candidacy of Di Bonaventura with Action in the regional elections (the party of Carlo Calenda in Teramo he is in the opposition) and in the second the narrowing of the Together We can council group following two leaks.

The mayor’s statement

“At the end of careful and serene reflection – underlines D’Alberto after the reshuffle in Teramo – also in light of the context and the political-administrative structure, I decided to proceed with a change in the composition of the Council, also on the basis of the need to replace the former Councilor for Public Works Giovanni Cavallari. I can only thank the outgoing councillors, who contributed with their work to ensuring the achievement of important objectives”.

The reconstitution and partial modification of the Council is also accompanied by a review of the delegations, more “functional and adequate to the new challenges imposed by the implementation of the PNRR and a whole series of projects and services”.

The names and delegations of the new council

Marco Di Marcantonio: public works, public construction

Graziano Ciapanna: urban regeneration, large-area territorial governance and security

Graziella Cordone: environmental policies, circular economy, waste cycle management, mobility and transport

Domenico Sbraccia: hamlets and care, maintenance, enhancement of municipal heritage

Miriam Tulli: staff, educational community and services relating to the right to education

Alessandra Ferri: sport, youth policies and development of Teramo, a university and research city

Antonio Filipponi: revitalization and economic and cultural regeneration of Teramo, the capital city

Pina Ciammariconi: digital agenda and civic and general services, transparency, participation and collaboration between communities

Stefania Di Padova: deputy mayor with responsibility for the solidarity budget, welfare and housing policies

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