weapons from abroad, war ammunition capable of piercing armored vehicles and safety glass

Assault rifles and ammunition not available in Italy for the assault of 28 June in Canigathe gang that went into action at the Mondialpol headquarters used material that is sold in gun shops and is not supplied to the armed forces and law enforcement. Same situation as the robbery of January 31st on the 131 (Siligo section).

The investigations are bringing to light new alarming details about the assault. The bullets with expanding ogives, piercing, are war munitions that penetrate armored vehicles and can even break through safety glassThe Carabinieri personnel hit by the bandits’ shots were exposed to a very serious risk, a charge of attempted murder is highly probable.

The case has meanwhile reached Parliament. The member of the League, Dario Giagonispoke in the Chamber on the events of last Friday in Sassari. The parliamentarian said: «In the fight against crime, you cannot rely only on luck. Miraculously, the dead are not countedtoday we will not be here to comment on the incident but to observe a minute of silence for the victims. All of us, competent ministers and institutions, must do even more, aiming to increase human capital and resources, equip the entire fleet of all police forces with armored vehicles, strengthen intelligence services, and support the interventions of law enforcement on the ground with helicopters. The commando, to achieve reprehensible objectives for money, did not hesitate to endanger both the lives of those who wear a uniform and the citizens. I am disgusted by the inconceivable disrespectful phrases, as ferocious as the tactic used by the bandits, left on social media by frustrated and anarchic commentators, against those who every day are deployed on the front lines to protect the safety of the community undermined, as in this case, by organized crime”.

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