Urban redevelopment: The “Restorative Ideas” in Faenza become reality

The machine to create the projects is starting up again “Restorative ideas” remained in the drawer, blocked especially by the flood. In fact, three years ago, in the midst of the health emergency, the Union of Romagna Faentina launched the project «as an antidote to the restrictions» with the aim of improve and retrain some areas of the cities, calibrating themselves to the needs and proposals of the citizens. They had arrived well on the online platform 42 proposalsthen examined by the reference technical commission, which had judged them to be achievable nineof which five only to Faenza.

The “Garden of Rights” and the “Stage in the Park” have already been built

Among those who had received the green dot from the ad hoc commission and obtained funding of 5 thousand euros, two have already been created. The Garden of rights it is reality at the Tassinari park. Result at the time most voted and supported by the Europa comprehensive institute, the aromatic garden was integrated with the school garden of the Gulli school and with the existing plants of memory. In the dedicated section inside the park it is possible to find (and collect) herbs and plants for use in the kitchen.
They had taken care of the creation of the garden and its care students. The project had also provided two classrooms for outdoor teaching, again in the Gulli space, both made using sections of trunks, freely usable by all schools in Faenza. It was in the top five of the most voted projects “The stage in the park”, always at Tassinari, which was inaugurated a few weeks ago. It is a space equipped to host events and evenings, the management of which is entrusted to the Verde district. Also in this case the materials used are in harmony with the environment. In fact, there is now one at Tassinari platform-stage in chestnut measuring 4×6 metres, with a height of approximately half a metre. The stage is the hub of the activities held at the park via Cavour and, with the arrival of summer, it is already hosting cultural and social initiatives.

Soon the street basketball court in front of the municipal swimming pool

The long-awaited tennis court will be ready within a few weeks street basketball. «The pitch chosen – explains the deputy mayor Andrea Fabbri – it was originally the one inside the former Salesian complex: a leveled area of ​​240 m2, but with the flood we decided to give up. Today we spotted another one next to the Palabubanthe”. In fact, between the sports hall and the swimming pool entrance there is already a small basketball court which will now be renovated. looks. «They will arrive very shortly new baskets – added Fabbri – which will allow the activity of three against three».

Fabbri, «Within the year the urban apiary and the digital walk in Castel Raniero»

The last two most voted projects were there Digital walk it’s a urban apiary. The first involved the mapping of historical and naturalistic places among Castel Raniero and Olmatello with a digital guide can be activated on site thanks to QR codes placed on lectern columns. At the basis of the second project, however, was the idea of ​​placing it in the city observation hives to look closely at the world of bees, fundamental for the protection of biodiversity and capable of providing useful information on the health of the air and the environment. «These last two projects – concludes Fabbri – were left on hold, but we are counting on them soon recover them. We would like to refinance them in the budget change of the City Council at the end of July and then implement them within the end ofyear. The bee project had already been verified in detail, while the Digital Walk, which requires multiple steps, was left slightly behind. We intend to contact the guys again, review estimatesand do some checks before leaving”. The columns for the QR codes must in fact be made of wood and not metal and, obviously, all the landscape constraints.

Barbara Fichera

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