Captain Vitofrancesco: “The Varese band is an honour. I want a group ready to sweat for the shirt”

A name, a guarantee: Ferdinand Vitofrancesco. Thrilling CV, quality, quantity, experience and charisma uncommona luxury for Serie D and, not surprisingly, the Varese he chose to restart for the 2024/25 season by his captain.


The class of ’88 it was the first piece positioned on the red and white puzzle by the new sporting director Antonio Montanaro, testifying to the fact that the continuity proclaimed by the management (net of the Raineri-Montanaro and Cotta-Floris changes) it is not an empty promise but an iron reality. Vitofrancesco was followed by other names and still others will join the batch of confirmations for propose again that block that was able to make the fans fond of the team after a somewhat troubled 2022/23 season.

“It didn’t take them long to convince me to sign – explains Vitofrancesco – and I don’t think it was even worth asking: the project is important, we keep the objective to ourselves but I don’t think it’s that hidden, and the conditions for continuing were all there. It was an honor to have been called first: both the director and the coach made a wonderful impression on me, and the aspect, not to be taken for granted, that struck me the most is that they appreciated the work done last year, starting from those who did Well. I know that the sporting director wanted to talk to every single player and this also made me really happy: as far as I’m concerned, I didn’t hesitate for a moment in signing.”

Positive impact, therefore, with Montanaro and Floris?
“I would say yes, even more so given how they presented themselves. They are two young guys, who are hungry, who have seen a great opportunity like Varese and don’t want to miss it, just as I don’t want to miss it. We immediately found a good harmony on many topics, they demand perfection and there will be a lot of work to do: I’m ready and can’t wait to start again.”

For a coach you find, a coach you leave: what relationship did you have with Cotta?
“I left him a little piece of my heart. I didn’t know him, but from day one a beautiful and spontaneous alchemy was born to the point that sometimes one would finish the other’s sentence, an almost father and son relationship. I believe that by working together we had a great year and he earned my unconditional respect: I wish many clubs and many footballers get to know him, because he is a person who knows how to live in the world and in today’s football there are few of those. I thank him publicly, even if we continue to talk, and I wish him the best.”

You spoke of a great year: going into detail, what is your opinion of the Varese championship?
“The vote is certainly positive because we started with a totally new team without knowing the category. The work done was exceptional both on and off the pitch and the thanks from Montanaro and Floris extended to all those who had worked here to build a solid foundation: it is from the men that we start again, and the boys from Varese have proven to be serious workers , professional, polite and respectful of the shirt, managing to make the fans passionate again. This was the primary objective last year, and we achieved it, but also on a sporting level we did well despite missing a few matches.”

What did you feel about being the captain of Varese?
“An honor and a great responsibility, even more so if you find yourself in a new team with many young guys who, in some respects, have to start from the ABC. Fortunately everyone helped me from the first moment, learning the value of sacrifice: every proposal was perceived in the right way and there were never any problems since we always rowed in the same direction. I didn’t want leadership, but the team recognized it in me and I think I demonstrated on the pitch that I was ready to take on this responsibility.”

Speaking of responsibility, in your career you have played in some really important places. What do you have left of all this and which season do you remember most fondly?
“I certainly experienced the peak of my career at Cittadella: I was 23 years old, I was in Serie B at maximum energy and I played 41 games out of 42. However, there were many good years: in Perugia I won a championship, with ‘Alessandria I reached the semi-final of the Italian Cup against Milan, and in Lecce I experienced unforgettable moments. I bring with me many things, but in particular the professionalism that is needed in everything to stay at those levels, even off the pitch, taking care of nutrition for example. Let’s say that in my career I have learned little tricks to perform at my best and I want to bring as much as possible here to Varese, in a truly complicated category like Serie D.”

You come from Foggia and, par excellence, you are a player with determination, one of those who like to live in the pressure and heat of ambitious places. What are the stimuli for next year? Especially if the Curva were to return.
“Having a Curva behind you always gives you an extra boost, even if sometimes some young people risk paying for the pressure. This is not my case because the push that the public and the fans give you is fuel: the square must energize you and must be decisive. At Ossola there is only the open grandstand, but we have already heard what the public can give; let alone with the Curva and with an ever-increasing number of fans. This is why I say that coming to Varese must be an honor and a stimulus.”

And, in this regard, what do you feel like saying to the new companions you will find here in Varese?
“Who arrive in a square with a refined palate: Varese requires much more from a behavioral aspect than a footballing one. When I arrived in Lecce I immediately said that I couldn’t be Oddo, but that I would try not to make him regret it; Even now in Lecce they appreciate me and when I left I realized I had left something behind. Varese follows the same principle: those who arrive must not be afraid of the ball, which can burn more than in other places, but above all they must sweat their shirt. As captain I will ask for precisely this, maximum commitment and disposition, to be able to make people fall in love and go beyond the result.”

Matteo Carraro

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