The final exam. Desire to argue between Montalcini and social media: “A difficult path”

The final exam. Desire to argue between Montalcini and social media: “A difficult path”
The final exam. Desire to argue between Montalcini and social media: “A difficult path”

The closing of a cycle. A journey that ends. The desire to write your thoughts and leave your mark. It has just struck midday when the first male and female students starting to leave for their final exams starting at 8.30 am in Imola. More than a thousand in the entire district, struggling with the written Italian language. The first test passed away. Seven tracks, dictionary, pen and paper. Fans in the classroom, teachers between the desks and the right mix of anxiety and preparation to face this obstacle. “The end of a cycle of studies, but also having acquired the awareness that something is closed and there is a new beginning”, says Stefania Piccarisi who has just left the Rambaldi-Valeriani Alessandro da Imola linguistic high school in via Manfredi. She attends the 5th G, she studies Spanish and German, and yesterday morning she opted for the argumentative track. “An opportunity to express one’s emotions and thoughts. This proposed idea is beautiful, that is, how the secret diary has changed in the age of social media”, continues Stefania who already has clear ideas for the future: “Law in Bologna”.

Aurora Fuzzi, Ramona Cavina and Gloria Ferretti also liked the theme. All three attend the 5th B of the human sciences high school, also in via Manfredi. And they recite in chorus: “It was the only feasible proposal, but also a little too varied. There was the risk of going off topic. But the opportunities to make connections were many.” Track C2 was part of the text taken from ‘Profili, selfie e blog’ by Maurizio Caminito.

However, Gloria is keen to remember how difficult the path to reaching maturity was: “It was halfway because with Covid it’s as if we had lost the first two years”. A thought also shared by her friends. She will not continue her studies, while Aurora will focus on communication science books and Ramona on employment consultancy books. In their company there is also Elisa Calamia who has always chosen the argumentative track, but the C1, on the stimuli of ‘Elogio all’imperfezione’ by Rita Levi-Montalcini. “I hope to continue in psychology, but I must say that the proposal on the atomic bomb was also nice.” A topic, the one on the Cold War in theme B1, which Marwa Canal decided to develop. Upon leaving the technical, commercial and surveying institute, Luigi Paolini in via Guicciardini talks about her test: “I was a little anxious about the exam, even if the written tests worry me less”, says the 5th L student of the course evening of social and health services. In her class there is also Sabrina Graziani who opted for track C1: “A very beautiful theme, I was able to express my thoughts. Maturity is a scary step. But then, also doing the evening exam, and having returned studying after a break, it’s a great feeling.”

A few meters away are Annachiara Galli and Luigi Minoccari. Both attend the 5th A of scientific high school. They have clear ideas: she is aiming for management engineering in Bologna, he is aiming for psychology in Cesena. “I chose track C1, there was a greater spirit of reflection”, says Annachiara. Luigi instead opted for A2, on Luigi Pirandello: “A brilliant text, in a modern key, on the theme of the exploitation of workers that I feel so strongly about”. The other tracks were on Giuseppe Ungaretti (A1), the value of artistic and cultural heritage, following the text by Maria Agostina Cabiddu (B2) and the rediscovery of silence between art, music, poetry and nature, in the footsteps of Nicoletta Polla’s words -Mattiot.

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