a Unisa commission to investigate Carmine Alfano

The media storm that has hit the country does not abateUniversity of Salerno and the Ruggi d’Aragona hospital. An enormous damage to the image that affects the reputation of the Medicine department.

An indignation that also moves across the internet, with thousands of comments against the sexist phrases and the accusation of abuse of power for Carmine Alfano, the director of the School of Specialization in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. The University of Salerno has appointed a Commission responsible for acquiring the information useful for verifying the facts reported and drawing up an investigative report to possibly also be subjected to scrutiny by the Guarantor of Students’ Rights, established at the university. And from university leaders ensure that the appointment decree and all documents produced by the Commission will be sent to the competent authorities. No official communication, however, from Ruggi.

The network, however, rises up. «Unacceptable abuse», we read in one of the many comments on the video published on social media by Alfano himself, candidate for mayor with the centre-right in Torre Annunziata, running for the ballot. «Regurgitations of Nazi practices», writes a user, referring to the professor’s now famous phrase: «The rich people in the crematorium and we have solved the problem». “In a normal country he should be banned, but we are in Italy and anything can happen,” writes another. The head physician and politician also entrusts his thoughts to Facebook with a second video: «The media mud machine continues, but I’m not taking a step back. I ask myself: have my competitors ever apologized for the shame and disgrace cast on the city of Torre Annunziata?”.

No low profile, indeed Carmine Alfano goes on the attack, promising to turn to the competent authorities for anyone who has tarnished his professionalism: «the Democratic party he was very good at setting off a time bomb a few days before the run-off, mystifying situations that cannot be confirmed. I am an educator, I am a man who has dedicated his life to university, research and surgery. With my interns – continues Alfano – I have a relationship that goes beyond the scientific one. My way of expressing myself towards them is that of a relationship with a child.”

The “extrapolated sentences” to which Alfano refers would be contained in the 15 minutes of audio accompanying the complaint by the ASL – Association of Free Specialists, chaired by Massimo Minerva. «The most serious thing is that he hasn’t been suspended yet – states Minerva – she defined her sentences as pure “goliardy”, but the meaning of the word refers to over the top attitudes of university students. It doesn’t belong to the professors. There is nothing playful about forcing specialists to campaign. This is scam, not joking. This is an abuse of power and she says so in the audio. When the vice-rector says in his statement that he has not received any reports, it means that the young doctors deny it out of fear and lack of freedom. It’s all demonstrated in the documents, so it’s a true thing, a real fact. Kids are enormously afraid of telling because of the possible repercussions. We never accept anonymous reports, without name and surname. The more general problem is that there is no specific channel to report inconveniences and abuses and the Ministry is not aware of cases of abandonment.” The agency intervenes on homophobic phrases Uil Fpl of Salerno: «Alfano resigns. We invite the management of Ruggi to become aware of this climate of terrorism, threats and extortion – states the trade unionist Mario Polichetti – Ruggi’s managers must take action immediately.”

I’m sorry about the incident president of the Medical Association of Salerno, Giovanni D’Angelo: «When you take on a representative position you should never forget your responsibility, because what you say and speak in an inappropriate way extends to the entire professional category. The professor defends himself by demonstrating even more unsuitability for the position. Being free does not mean being harmful to the freedom of others – continues D’Angelo – This case is paradoxical because it insinuates itself into another dimension, which is politics, speaking not only in its ex cathedra function, but also exposed to the political world. An explosive scenario in itself. It cannot be a moment of joking, because the various phrases could have been avoided, such as talking about crematoriums and sexual identity. Respect for the dignity of others is fundamental. It is even more so for a professor who not only teaches a discipline, but trains his young people by transmitting life principles.”


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