Catania | Pnrr, 4 projects financed for the construction of nursery schools »

The 4 projects presented by the Trantino council concerning the increase in the offer of facilities for the 0-2 year old group of children as part of the national plan to improve the reception network were all financed by the Ministry for Education and Merit for early childhood.

The municipal administration has identified three properties to be renovated and one to be built from scratch in an area confiscated from mafia clans.

The buildings and land for the four new nursery schools, each with 60 places, all belonging to the municipal heritage and to be reconverted, are located in via Giuseppe Borrello, 38 building adjacent to the former Leopardi school; a portion of a property belonging to the municipal heritage located in via Zurria 67; another site in Stradale San Giorgio 29 in the headquarters of the VI municipality; an uncultivated piece of land, property confiscated from the mafia, located in via Zia Lisa 196 in which to build a completely new structure.

The financing that will be given to the Municipality amounts to 5 million and 40 thousand euros: 1.2 million for the conversion of three properties and 1.44 million euros for one still to be built on municipal land.

“Following the directions of Mayor Trantino to increase the offer of nursery places available for families”, said the councilor for public works and community policies Sergio Parisi“we worked in collaboration with the other councilors and the council commission, developing projects that were deemed appropriate to be eligible for ministerial funding which consulted the municipalities through a public notice”.

In addition to these four new nursery schools which will be built by the first half of 2026 with Pnrr funds, work is underway to create two other new nursery schools for another hundred places, in via Fratelli Rosselli in an area adjacent to the Maiorana school and the Coppola comprehensive institute in via Montenero next door, both financed with community funds for development and cohesion.

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