Salvini on the Imam of Bologna: “He deserves immediate expulsion”

Bologna, 19 June 2024 – “He is known for his hateful phrases against the West and the Jews, and now, instead of being ashamed, he denounces the Northern League member Alessandro Morelli. Imam Zulfiqar Khan it deserves just a request for expulsion immediate from our country”, the deputy prime minister and minister wrote on social media Matteo Salvini.

The Pakistani imam of the Iqraa Islamic center in Bolognina he has long come under fire for his sermons that focus on anti-Semitic and anti-Israel themes, with praise for terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah. His comments were brought to the attention of the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi From one parliamentary question of the Fratelli d’Italia senator Marco Lisei and the Fdi deputy Sara Kelany, who also requested “possible measures to remove the imam from the national territory”.

The honorary consul of Israel for Tuscany, Emilia Romagna and Lombardy also spoke on the issue, Marco Carrai: “I will proceed to denounce the Imam of Bologna Zulfiqar Khan for incitement to racial hatred, murder and terrorism, who during a sermon, in addition to calling the Israelis pedophiles and murderers, literally said that they should all be killed one by one one, without difference between the elderly or children including pregnant women”.

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