Cardinal Bassetti in Reggio Calabria

It was talked about Mediterranean and the opportunities offered in the socio-cultural and economic-demographic sphere of Calabria, without neglecting the migratory phenomenon which is also a response to the depopulation especially of the internal areas, as well as promoting integration between different cultures and religions, contributing to a peace process which is increasingly invoked from below in the conference “Mediterraneo, a laboratory of integration. The potential contribution of Calabria”, which took place in Reggio Calabriaat the regional council, with the presence, among others, of Cardinal Bassettiarchbishop emeritus of Perugia-Città della Pieve and former president of the CEI.

The words of the Cardinal

“I ask everyone to open our hearts to hope. Spiritually I am with those who are saving migrants in Roccella where a real human disaster occurred”, Bassetti remarks. In the evening the Cardinal celebrated the Holy Messina in the square in front of theHelp Center, as can be seen from the images accompanying the article. Tomorrow Bassetti will visit the Scalabrini listening center and then gather in prayer in the cemetery of migrants and the poor in Armo, the first and only one built in Calabria.

Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti at the Help Center in Reggio Calabria

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