Ballot in Lecce, “civil war climate”: Scorrano asks for the intervention of the Prefecture

Ballot in Lecce, “civil war climate”: Scorrano asks for the intervention of the Prefecture
Ballot in Lecce, “civil war climate”: Scorrano asks for the intervention of the Prefecture

LECCE – When there are a few days left until the second round between Adriana Poli Bortone and Carlo Salvemini, the city has become the scene of increasingly violent and incorrect verbal clashes, aimed at delegitimizing the opponent. The centre-right councilor Gianpaolo Scorrano has decided to turn to the prefect. “Every day, actually every night, thousands of Lecce families are literally bombarded by text messages and WhatsApp messages, in which someone takes the trouble to explain to people why it is necessary to vote for Salvemini and, instead, absolutely not to vote for ADRIANA – writes the city councilor Gianpaolo Scorrano –

It is said, in these hallucinating audio messages, that “if Poli were to win, the fascists will return, all social bonuses will be eliminated, one’s rights will be lost, the Ognibene library will be closed” and other similar rubbish, thus fomenting a climate of hatred and intolerance in our city which seriously risks resulting in a real civil war.

After a Salvemini candidate defined the center-right voters as “barbarians” and that a councilor still in office defined them as “masters” (absolute dominators) the center-right colleagues who should eventually reach the government, we continue to witness rallies and press conferences on a daily basis (which replace the council commissions) in which not even the mayor seems to want to tone down the fiery tones of this vulgar electoral campaign.

Even those who are now in Bari in government of the Region do not care about calming down the spirits in what was once their cityindeed he complains in the press of having received unspecified threats, takes this opportunity to explain his reasons and related choices, all without ever forgetting to invite the people of Lecce to vote for Salvemini and leaving aside the “social war” that is taking place in Lecce.
We hope, at least, that he promptly reported the people who threatened him to the police and that they have already been brought to justice.

After all of the above, having taken note of the terrible example that – at all levels – has been provided in this circumstance to the new generations (don’t be surprised by the abstention or disaffection of young people for politics), the undersigned does not feel to simply shrug and hope that the electoral campaign ends as soon as possible and without any incidents, be they verbal or even physical.

I am therefore asking for the intervention of His Excellency the Prefect because I believe that in Lecce every limit has been greatly exceeded with reference to incitement to hatred which, it is worth remembering, is a criminal offence.

We absolutely cannot continue like this and four days to get to the elections is not a short time.”

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