Alessandria Calcio, 35 percent to One Global Sports Investment. “We pay everything within 10 days”

Alessandria Calcio, 35 percent to One Global Sports Investment. “We pay everything within 10 days”
Alessandria Calcio, 35 percent to One Global Sports Investment. “We pay everything within 10 days”

Andrea Molinaro and Giulio Maione with Gianfranco Multineddu, new general director (photo Ilaria Cutuli)

ALEXANDRIA – “Today Alexandria is reborn“. Announce Andrea Molinarothat is talking, “only about clubs, not about sporting events“, to announce the entry of investors“who are based in London”, and who will take over the 35 percent of gray society.

The future is a must, “we signed the agreement, we will go to the notary soon. This capitalization allows us to look to the future.” Even if, at the moment, there are blocked accounts – “even those of Juventus and Vivaticket, to pay for the water I paid for it with my own money, from my companies”.

But, “fortunately, there is Alexandria 2023which controls Alessandria, into which the liquidity derived from investors’ securities can flow”, he explains Giulio Maione.

Which, says Molinaro, “is made up of people who know about football and have already been involved in the sport for some time. They have been a terrible two months, but we have demonstrated to those who wanted us to fail that we are alive and, now, we have people at our side who will bring their experience, as well as important resources for a medium and long-term program”.

London, Spain, Rome

Who are the investors? “More than a fund, a group of companies that offers securities to be transformed into liquidity“, explains Maione. This is it One Global Sports Investment Ltd, British, but also a little Italian, with Mioara Doneplayer and then coach of basketball, but also involved in politics, in the new one Christian Democracywho from the English chamber of commerce record is director.

In football, the Spanish third series, at Sabadell, another of the subjects involved works, Antonio Caceres Lopez, who is Spanish and is a sports manager. One of the two is destined to join the new board of directors. “We’ll go to the notary soon – insists Molinaro – I have also been an employee and I know well what it feels like if the salary doesn’t arrive. I undertake to pay everything off within ten days, the resources are now there. They are arriving”.

Some details from the Chamber of Commerce registration of the new ‘partner’: established in 2023, with two people who have management positions, who are, in fact, Mioara Done and Antonio Caceres Lopez. However, there are five members, four British and one Spanish

“Thanks to these investors we will make the capitalization that was required of us to guarantee continuity”

Field wanted

Alessandria employees are outside the press room: soon it will be three months without salaries, they listen, they want facts, today many more words were heard. Reassuring? I’ll say time, it passes quickly.

Alessandria employees listen to the words of the owners. Which guarantees salaries by the end of the month

Surely harsh words towards the previous owners. “We have taken responsible actions, because we are paying for what others have done. The behavior of Di Masi’s former employees was also difficult for us. A drawing? – so Maione – I don’t rule it out, you decide”.

Molinaro wants to look forward,”the only Grays are us. There are no other companies in the city that can claim what is ours alone. And Alexandria is not for saleas someone told us last night too. We will pay everything: salaries and contributions to members, because otherwise we cannot register, monthly payments to employees and what the creditors claim”.

Overall, to close this season, how much do you need? “650 thousand euros“. And then there is the debt recovery plan, which provides for an immediate amount, around 750 thousand euros, and the rest spread over ten years.

Meanwhile, however, there is the problem of the fields. “The first team will no longer train at Michelin. But we are already evaluating two alternatives and we hope – insists Maione – to define them by tomorrow or Friday”.

And the youth sector? “I will speak with Prey about Centogrigio – so Molinaro – I wrote to him, I will meet him“.

But Maione assures that there are alternatives, even for the nursery. “I am discovering many systems available“. Which ones, at the moment, is not known.

And Moccagatta? “We will pay everything, we are providing for Durc”, Molinaro continues. While Maione insists” on a debt-credit relationship with the Municipality, indeed with Amag. In the end the total amount we have to pay will be less.” But Molinaro thinks differently about this. “I spoke to the mayor several times, we will pay everything, I asked him for 7/10 days”

And Juventus Next Gen? “It’s not yet certain that he will go to Biella. We are talking.” It seems, however, that the choice of ‘Lamarmora’ is definitive. “Juventus Next Gen is useful to us – says Maione – but it is not essential”

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