Accidents and Emergency Interventions in Lombardy

Accidents and Emergency Interventions in Lombardy: A Chronicle of the Last 24 Hours

Introduction, Incidents and Interventions

In the last 24 hours, Lombardy has seen a series of emergency interventions involving medical staff and ambulances on different fronts. From medical emergencies to road accidents, through animal bites and violent events, healthcare personnel have worked tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of citizens. This article offers a detailed overview of some of the most significant interventions, highlighting the timeliness and effectiveness of the regional emergency system.

Road accidents

Gavirate: Car Collision

At 11.23am, in Gavirate (VA) in via Leopardi, a road accident involving two cars occurred. A 74-year-old woman was injured in the accident. The Gavirate traffic police were alerted and a basic ambulance (MSB) of the Italian Red Cross of Gavirate intervened on the scene. Fortunately, the emergency code was classified as green, indicating non-critical conditions for the patient involved.

Legnano: Medical Emergencies on the Road

Legnano has seen more than one medical intervention on the road. At 11:06 in via 25 Aprile 9, an 88-year-old woman required urgent medical assistance, while at 09:54 in via Correnti Cesare 18, a 70-year-old man fell ill. Both interventions were managed by the staff of the Legnano Red Cross with a yellow code, indicating situations of medium severity.

Fagnano Olona: Fall to the ground

In Fagnano Olona, ​​at 09:03 in via Marconi Guglielmo 53/a, an 81-year-old man fell to the ground. The SOSCAR_210 basic ambulance intervened promptly, transporting the patient to the Busto Arsizio hospital. The operation was classified with a yellow code, suggesting a situation of medium severity.

Medical Emergencies

Gallarate: Acute Medical Emergency

At 11:19, in Gallarate (VA) in Corso Italia, a 54-year-old man had an acute medical emergency. The Italian Red Cross ambulance of Busto Arsizio intervened on the scene. The intervention is still ongoing and classified as code green, indicating that the situation is under control.

Varese: Emergencies in Public Places

In Varese, at 09:47 in via Carnia 159, a young 22-year-old woman requested urgent medical assistance. The Italian Red Cross of Varese intervened promptly, classifying the emergency as a code yellow.

Animal Bites

Legnano: Animal Bite

At 11.41, in Legnano (MI) in via 20 Settembre 134, a 38-year-old woman was bitten by an animal. The Italian Red Cross ambulance in Busto Arsizio intervened with a yellow code, indicating a medium serious situation.

Violent Events

Varese: Violent Event

At 11:04, in Varese (VA) in via Battisti Cesare, a 47-year-old man was involved in a violent event. The local authorities, including the Varese Carabinieri and the traffic police, were alerted. The Gavirate Red Cross ambulance intervened, but did not transport the patient, suggesting that the conditions did not require immediate hospitalization.

Routine interventions

Parabiago and Canegrate: Night Interventions

During the night, at 03:41 in Parabiago (MI) in viale Lombardia, a 47-year-old man had an acute medical emergency. An ambulance from the Legnano Red Cross intervened but did not transport the patient. At 01:22 in Canegrate (MI) in via 24 Maggio 40, a 53-year-old man was involved in an unspecified event, with the intervention of an ambulance from the White Cross of Legnano. Also in this case, the patient was transported to the Legnano hospital with a green code.

Vergiate: Another Night Event

In Vergiate (VA), at 00:52 in Piazza Matteotti Giacomo, a 20-year-old man was involved in an unspecified event. An ambulance from the Gallarate Red Cross intervened but did not transport the patient, classifying the operation with a yellow code.


The last 24 hours have seen a wide range of emergencies handled by Lombardy’s emergency system. Interventions have ranged from road accidents to medical emergencies, animal bites and violent events. The timeliness and effectiveness of emergency teams were crucial to ensuring the safety and well-being of citizens. This article highlights the importance of coordination and readiness in dealing with critical situations, underlining the vital role of healthcare personnel and law enforcement in managing emergencies.


The information reported in this article was collected from reports from ambulances and local authorities involved in emergency interventions in the last 24 hours.

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