Magalini and Polito, so different, and yet…

Between Bari And Catanzaro a sensational could take place exchange, but not between footballers, but between sports directors. As widely said in the past few hours, Giuseppe will arrive in Puglia Magaliniwhich attracted the interest of De Laurentiis for the two excellent seasons in Calabria between Serie C and Serie B. What is sensational, however, would be the strong candidacy of Ciro Politoformer red and white sporting director, for Catanzaro.

A real exchange behind the desks for two clubs that concluded two diametrically opposite seasons: the Galletti achieved salvation only through the playouts, while the Eagles, after a fifth place as newly promoted players, were defeated in the semi-finals of the playoffs.

Polito, a fairly young sports director (45 years old), would be in his fourth experience as manager after the adventures with Juve Stabia, Ascoli and Bari. His objective, in Catanzaro, would be at least to get the team back to playing for the playoffs and, perhaps, try to go even higher: bring the Giallorossi back to Serie A after forty years.

Magalini, on the other hand, is a more experienced sporting director, who has been around for over twenty years now, and who has achieved his best results in recent seasons. Characteristically very different from Polito, his objective will first and foremost be to restore serenity to the environment, now at odds with society. Furthermore, even from a sporting point of view, there will be a lot of work to do, with a team that almost completely needs to be rebuilt, with one less leader on the pitch: Di Cesare. The former captain, however, will be a fundamental guide for the manager born in ’61, given that he will support him as technical director.

Strange intersections of destiny for these two DSs, almost opposite, yet united by this particular circumstance. Most likely, next year they will meet again as opponents, as happened in this last season, but one will defend the team that once belonged to the other.

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