my criticisms exploited, the market dies – La Diretta 1993 Bisceglie Notizie

my criticisms exploited, the market dies – La Diretta 1993 Bisceglie Notizie
my criticisms exploited, the market dies – La Diretta 1993 Bisceglie Notizie

“Exactly one year has passed since the undersigned once again brought to the attention of the Branch Councilor and the municipal administration of Bisceglie the difficulties faced by the so-called Equipped Multifunctional Area intended for the holding of the weekly Tuesday market. A year of lack of interventions which have led to today’s desertification and the abandonment of parking spaces by dozens and dozens of street vendors. Enormous damage also in terms of loss of corporate value and real humiliation for a city that prided itself on being one of the most representative of street commerce.
In a very short time we have reached the point of no return and today we acknowledge an announced failure, which has never seen us involved or shared. Having been right is no consolation at all; indeed it is proof of how being left unheard was a very heavy aggravating factor for those who today should answer for this debacle. Despite the repeated requests for meetings and the many proposals aimed at avoiding this debacle, we have not had the pleasure, not even as citizens of Bisceglie who love their city, of contributing to avoiding the failure that is there for all to see and which humiliates the people of Bisceglie. , first of all. The area of ​​via San Martino was and is being remodeled and reworked; it must be equipped with services, with a non-existent logic and above all with parking and infrastructure. Having only stood by and watched all this time is an unforgivable fault. The councilor who says in words that he wants to look for solutions and also wants to agree on them, get a move on and start the meetings. The people of Bisceglie don’t deserve all this.”
These are the words of the local representative of CasAmbulanti Mr Todisco Vincenzo who intervenes at a time when the area of ​​via San Martino is under attack and is experiencing the worst moment since its conception.

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