Ancona, local police: 61,907 fines in 2023, over 6 million euros in cash – Ancona-Osimo News – CentroPagina

Ancona, local police: 61,907 fines in 2023, over 6 million euros in cash – Ancona-Osimo News – CentroPagina
Ancona, local police: 61,907 fines in 2023, over 6 million euros in cash – Ancona-Osimo News – CentroPagina

ANCONA – This year the celebration of local police it will take place in the heart of the city, among the citizens, with the desire to demonstrate the strong link with the Municipality and the territory. The appointment is for Wednesday 19 June, at 5.30 pm in Piazza Roma, in the presence of the civil and military authorities. This morning, June 19th, the presentation press conference. The local police handled it 61,907 infringements For 6,529,315.16 euros. The high fines were 33,272 for a value of 5,294,962.16 euros. Among the most significant sanctions: traffic assistants: 28,635; laser canvases: 4,341; Velox stations: 8,998; cell phone while driving: 377.

«We strongly believed – says mayor Daniele Silvetti – in the valorisation of the local police force. Starting from the plainclothes anti-degradation team, passing through the Control Room which provides a cutting-edge video surveillance system, to arrive at the selection of new agents arriving at the arming of them”.

«Proof that a change of pace in this service was necessary comes from the number of cases managed by the Local Police: almost 40 thousand, of which 25 thousand were generated by requests from citizens. Therefore there is a request for intervention and presence in the area – continues the mayor – Ancona is a safe city that constantly aims to raise awareness among citizens behind the wheel, respect for the rules, protection of the environment (132 sanctions from environmental controls ). The total fines were almost 62 thousand, generating revenue of six and a half million euros. Among those detected most assiduously are: laser canvases (almost 29 thousand); Velox stations (almost 9 thousand); cell phone while driving (377)”.

«The local police this year – says the deputy mayor and councilor for local police and security Giovanni Zinni – has made a great journey forward, which included adapting as a police force. From this point of view, Ancona was left behind and this Administration has set itself the objective of bringing it to the level of all the other Corps in the Marche and the rest of Italy”.

“This – says commander Marco Ivano Caglioti – it is the day par excellence of the Local Police. 2023 was in some respects a year full of news and projects: from that in favor of the elderly, with whom a good relationship and a good understanding were created even by experimenting with a radio broadcast where the protagonist speakers were the elderly themselves, up to that aimed at young people, to discourage them from using alcohol and drugs.”

Local police Ancona: the 2023 report

On the occasion of the day that celebrates the Local Police, the Ancona Command has drawn up a report on the activity carried out during 2023 – «The strong points are many – continues Zinni, expressly citing the plainclothes anti-degradation team, the hiring plan, the control room, which – he explains «finally provides us with a cutting-edge video surveillance system», the armament with guns, the equipment of vehicles and, above all, the training, «starting from self-defense to arrive at a conscious use of all the techniques to allow the best possible service on the road”.

This is a series of objectives summarized in the combination of “safety and legality”, contained in the report, and broken down, for reporting purposes, into six points: the anti-degradation department (active from November 2023); the new control room; the increase in staff and instrumental equipment; the reorganization of officer and foot patrol shifts for a greater presence in the area; the increase in roadside checks, with portable breathalyzers even during the day.

The new anti-degradation department

Active since November 2023, it completed 126 checks in the municipal area in the last month and a half of the year, with four units available and, among other things, imposed 16 sanctions for various crimes (possession of narcotics, alcohol , illegal occupations of public buildings…), identified 40 subjects for checks and 17 people reported photos.

«Among the most important innovations of 2023 from an organizational point of view – explains the Commander Caglioti – the birth of this group is highlighted. Operational since the end of last year, in just a few days it has achieved valuable results which have also allowed us to achieve regional recognition. There is certainly still a long way to go but the results will not be lacking as can already be seen from the report for the first six months of 2024″

The equipment for the agents

The City Council of Ancona recently approved the regulation for the provision of firearms. This is a historic provision for the city: since 1974 the weapons were no longer supplied, despite being required by Italian legislation to guarantee the performance of public security and judicial police functions, in aid of all the law enforcement agencies operating daily in the area.

The Local Police force of Ancona also has sprays, tactical vests, spacers and new vehicles. Finally, the instrumentation of false documents and photo identification for the identification of subjects who have committed crimes has been restored.

New hires

«Aware of the fact – states the mayor – that over the years the Corps has suffered many defections due to retirements and mobility in other Municipalities, a situation which has significantly weakened the operational capabilities, we considered it essential to implement the staff and for this reason we are proceeding with the competitions ». In fact, a public competition for exams is underway, which will allow the hiring of 15 agents in 2024, 10 agents in 2025, 10 agents in 2026. Added to this is voluntary mobility for 4 posts (2 officials and 2 instructors) .

This is one of the objectives that the Administration had set itself and is achieving, such as that concerning the instrumental equipment and the partial renewal of the machinery fleet. The process regarding the provision of weapons will also contribute positively to increasing the possibility of extending shifts even at night.

The increase in staff, in combination with other strengthening actions, will make it possible to relaunch a series of activities, which the Administration intends to increase: «The control of road traffic – specifies Zinni – of the territory, the decorum».

Technologies for urban security: the new Control Room

Designed and defined in 2023, the new Control Room it came into operation at the beginning of 2024 and is the fulcrum of the video surveillance unit, created by the Local Police and the Security and IT Services departments, with an investment of 200 thousand euros. It works together with the central operations room and allows you to view the city’s over 400 cameras in real time: 38 OCR for license plate reading, 12 panoramic, 30 pan-tilt and 365 fixed. Another 127 devices are planned by 2024.

READ ALSO: Ancona under video surveillance to prevent and control vandalism and petty crime

This new tool allows total coverage of the territory: main transit routes, squares, sports facilities, parks, play areas and all areas where illegalities have occurred.

As with the anti-degradation unit, the control room, which entered full operation in 2024, «immediately demonstrated operational efficiency – states Caglioti – and the very positive role from an investigative point of view made available to all forces of police engaged in investigations to protect the territory and security in the territory”.

The operational video room in the PL Command in Ancona will also be used on the occasion of the G7 Health in Ancona.

«The Local Police – concludes the councilor Zinni – today he took an important step forward, but we don’t feel like we’ve arrived. The objective is to be able to be effective in all the operations that we must carry out and to bring the body back to having an adequate number of agents, capable of controlling the territory to the full. Security and legality are not right or left, but are a good for everyone. To carry forward these values, concrete objectives and tools are needed and above all the willingness to get involved based on the legislation: The local police is a police force, a public security force, a judicial police force and it is not possible to go back on these certainties ».

Local police Ancona, 2023 data

There were 39,195 cases managed by the Local Police: 25,056 incoming cases generated by requests from citizens, 8,580 outgoing cases, 5,559 internal cases. The front office received 9170 users. The operations center received 26,175 requests for intervention. The Traffic Office has, among other things, issued 11,327 orders for temporary changes to road traffic; 75 traffic reports for driveways, received 650 complaints, carried out 39 mandatory health treatments and 10 mandatory health checks, seized 121 vehicles with expired insurance, checked 85 heavy vehicles for compliance with driving and rest times, ascertaining 47 violations, carried out 188 checks to prevent and combat dog abuse, finding 8 violations.

Furthermore, 513 vehicles were seized, of which 121 were due to expired insurance. The road accidents a total of 848 were detected, compared to 737 in 2022. Of these, 489 with only damage to vehicles (386 in 2022), 359 with injuries (against 351 in 2022, with a total of injuries among drivers and passengers of 450 people) , 4 with a reserved prognosis (as in 2022) and 1 fatal (2 in 2022). 32 reports of crime were reported to the Public Prosecutor’s Office for crimes related to road accidents and 140 interventions were made for reports of damage. There were 2,256 accesses to processed documents.

With 5 specific projects the local police officers met and supported the citizens of all ages, with particular reference to the most current and dangerous critical issues for society, such as addictions, alcohol and drug abuse and the associated risks and scams for the elderly.

There were 132 sanctions resulting from environmental controls: 32 for violations of the Urban Police Regulation, 100 for violations of the waste management regulation, of which 74 for incorrect differentiation, 15 for waste coming from other territories, 10 for waste abandonment, 1 for failure to comply with union ordinances.

In the 7 covered and 4 uncovered markets 93 operators were checked, 12 detections were carried out at the Conero Stadium, 88 administrative sanctions were imposed, 77 vehicles were removed in the market area. Furthermore, 379 commercial establishments were inspected and 159 fines were issued, of which 29 for commercial illegal activity. Finally, around 4000 pieces were seized (beach towels, sarongs, costume jewellery, toys without CE marking, stationery, clothing, plants and flowers).

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