The APS kids Chiara and Francesco at dinner at Arte Rossa: friendship won

The APS kids Chiara and Francesco at dinner at Arte Rossa: friendship won
The APS kids Chiara and Francesco at dinner at Arte Rossa: friendship won

TO Pomezia no one is left behind and sometimes the generosity of a citizen can make a huge difference in someone’s life.
On Saturday 15 June, while the city of the tower was busy with its first student festival and the traders and artisans association was setting up the street food village in Piazza Indipendenza, Fabio Negro, owner of the Arte Rossa butcher’s shop in Pomeziainvited the guys from the “Family home in Torvaianica APS Chiara and Francesco” to spend the evening in their company and obviously watch on the big screen the national football team competing against Albania at the debut of the European Championships 2024.
“A simple gesture, but one that filled me with emotion. Seeing the national team win in front of a nice plate of meat in the company of the kids has a completely different flavor – he says Fabio Negro – in organizing the event I spoke to Alessandro Orsini to invite everyone to my stand.
Thanks to this initiative I met and got to know wonderful and very polite kids. In fact, I can’t wait to respond at the next event.
Behind the smiles of these very young people there is often a story of suffering “but we need to give them the opportunity to introduce them to good people – adds Fabio – despite their age they have already learned important lessons from life, but we need to show them that some people are sincere and they hope to make even a small difference in their lives to receive a smile in return.
I didn’t expect that something so simple could give me so much back. It was exciting to see them cheer for the match in the square.”
Then the hug also came from the Mayor Veronica Felici.
“A wonderful evening for the kids – he says Alessandro Orsini, vice president of APS Chiara and Francesco family home – the meat was delicious, the company too and Italy won, we couldn’t ask for anything better. The kids had an absolutely great time. These initiatives are extremely useful for their growth because it shows these young people that someone can really take care of them. Thanks to a friend, Fabio, they truly spent a wonderful evening in which they were carefree and friendly.”

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