Perugia: Sciurpa on the assault, Santopadre on the Aventine

PERUGIA The echo of the television evening which brought to light the state of the art on the negotiations for the acquisition of Perugia has not yet died down…

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PERUGIA The echo of the television evening which brought to light the state of the art on the negotiations for the acquisition of Perugia Calcio by the group led by Claudio Sciurpa has not yet died down.
Who spent hours live on Umbria TV’s “Fuori Campo” to reiterate his and his group’s willingness to purchase, also made up of the Antonini brothers and Mauro Ricci, complete with the desire to start a new proposal ” closer to the requests” despite “Santopadre’s request having tripled after the cancellation”.
The offer in question, which Sciurpa also confirmed yesterday (“They are preparing it, we will send it between late afternoon and tomorrow morning, then we will wait a couple of days for the response on the matter from the recipient, Santopadre or whoever”) could therefore arrive just this morning. Beyond this, Sciurpa’s TV appearance would have been interpreted by Santopadre as a way of applying pressure, with the effect of seeing the president even more entrenched in his position of waiting for his Court counterpart. What position? This is easy to deduce from the cross-examination which was guaranteed by the live intervention of Fabio Dominici, the lawyer appointed by Perugia in the negotiation with the Revenue Agency for the write-off of the debt: “We are awaiting the Court’s ruling – said Dominici – and we are reasonably confident also about the times (June 30th, ed.). I would like to underline Santopadre’s gratitude towards Sciurpa for what he has done in past years and his excellent attitude towards him. As well as the need for absolute clarity and transparency on the names of the subjects involved in the operation, an essential condition for any negotiation, in the absence of this there are no conditions to do anything”. According to Dominici, among the points to be clarified is the presence deemed equivocal at the meeting on May 20 of two unidentified figures whom Sciurpa defined as “simple consultants”.
“Article 20 of the Noif speaks of requirements of seriousness and financial integrity, rigorous anti-money laundering controls. This is certainly not the case – continued the lawyer -, but if there is a canon to which all operations of this type must be inspired, it is that of maximum transparency. As a lawyer, it is unthinkable to carry out an embryonic negotiation if the prerequisites regarding traceability of funds and subjective responsibility of the buyer are not satisfied. We would like to be completely calm also about the members who will join at a later time, these are delicate operations to be managed also with respect for the market, the history and the future of this company, which must be left in reliable hands. The price agreement is a part that does not concern me, it is the rest that must be evaluated at the same time, not afterwards. If the money comes from Sciurpa’s account, red carpet. If from the Caymans, I would have some doubts. The request? From the information in my possession, this tripling of the request is not true, perhaps it is a different way of reading the components of the offer”.
And it is worth remembering that among the requirements requested by Lega Pro there is the guarantee of business continuity for at least five years. For his part, Sciurpa gave his reassurances: “When the time comes, if we find an agreement there will be maximum transparency for those who buy, then if you don’t like it you will give up on the sale. We didn’t ask to buy in installments.”


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