Wild boars in Lombardy, extraordinary plan for 2 million heads – Anmvi Oggi

Wild boars in Lombardy, extraordinary plan for 2 million heads – Anmvi Oggi
Wild boars in Lombardy, extraordinary plan for 2 million heads – Anmvi Oggi

The management of wildlife and the damage caused to agriculture were at the center of a Lombardy regional council and a Coldiretti demonstration.

“The breeders are asking to begin a serious process of eliminating wild boars.” The president of the regional council, Attilio Fontana, cites three recent ordinances, “which go in the direction of containment of invasive species“, but adds: “We are very worried both about the fate of the fields but also about the presence of swine fever in the areas affected.”
The declarations, entrusted to a press note from the Lombardy Region, arrive on the sidelines of a council meeting accompanied by a Coldiretti demonstration.

Three ordinances, an extraordinary plan – The Councilor for Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, Alessandro Beduschi(photo) announces from the Coldiretti stage the adoption, “in the next few weeks”, of the extraordinary plan for the control of wild fauna, “which in fact has already been concretely implemented, starting from 3 operational ordinances signed by governor Fontana” – states the Councillor.

The PSA order of 13 June – Beduschi recalled that the latest ordinance of the Lombardy Region”, in force since Saturday, is a concrete response to facilitate the fight against wild boars with fewer bureaucratic, procedural and economic resource management constraints and which since 2019 have been invested over 13 and a half million for damage prevention and compensation activities”.

Numbers and containment– “The data – added Beduschi – tell us that from 2021 to today the capacity to contain wild boars has more than doubled and in 3 and a half years it has reached 46,000 killings, but it is also true that we have to face pockets of resistance on the part of some provinces which, although financed by the Region to provide control activities also through private companies, in fact can definitely do more and better. The rules must be respected and whoever does not do so will assume all the responsibilities of the case”.
The presence of wild boars is “an anomaly” that has been going on for some time, with “almost 2 and a half million animals in areas where they have never historically been” – concluded the Councilor.

PSA, Fontana Ordinance for the depopulation of wild boars

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