Reggio Calabria, Lions and leadership development

In a “Chandelier Hall” in the Municipality of Reggio Calabria packed, in the presence of the District Manager of the Global Leadership Team, Rodolfo Trotta, the members of the 6 met Lions Club of Zone 1 to discuss the importance of Leadership in Associations. The topic, today of vital importance and of great relevance in all organizations, professions, in society, considering the countless possibilities of receiving information, especially from the web.

Therefore, the event, masterfully conducted by Rodolfo Trotta, which saw the participation of over 50 members, was an opportunity to express one’s considerations, highlighting the positives and negatives to increasingly provide the best social service. During the cross-examination, the Presidents of Zone 1 of District 108Ya intervened.

Roberto NovelPresident of the “Villa San Giovanni Fata Morgana” Lions Club, highlighted that you become a leader when you achieve results, harmony, a large number of members, and carry out the planned “services”, for which it is important communication, unique today, to be entrusted to external management in the near future.

Ketty Marino, President of the “Castello Aragonese” Lions Club, declares the need to improve human relationships and bonds between members, respect between people, before becoming Lions members. You can do more by taking the strengths and not the flaws of others.

Enzo Insardá, Incoming President of LC Villa S. Giovanni Fata Morgana expressed himself as follows: “Leaders are born, you can improve your leadership by following the right teachers as points of reference for your life, you must have the ability to listen and you must be prepared in a “minefield” which is that of “conflict management”!
Paola Lemma Incoming President of the LC “Castello Aragonese, expresses her opinion
thought: “Humility, coherence, sensitivity, ability to listen and feel rewarded in giving without expecting to receive something in return is the true meaning of being a Lions.

Sending a smile, a word of comfort, attention to those in need is the maximum expression of “weserve”. The club is made up of many members with different life experiences, with different characters, who carry out different professions but the spirit that must animate the action is collaboration, sharing, forgetting the word I and always thinking like WE, group WE with others .

Sebino Bellini in complimenting the zone president for the large presence of members, he pointed out that a true leader must be respected in the role not for himself but for his ethical behavior and willingness to listen. Harmony and the joy of sharing must never fail within the club.

The incoming President of LC “REGHION” Daniele Politi intervenes with his thoughts: “The role I am about to fill is full of meaning and I will try to carry it out as best I can with the support of the friends who preceded me and all the members of the Rhegion Club. The leader is the recipient of the trust of his group and cannot exercise his function if he does not have members with him who support him and help him achieve his objectives.

This is not a simple task, because it requires a profound knowledge of the people who work alongside him and their individual peculiarities and motivations. We must always look ahead with the right optimism and with a view to achieving the objectives, in continuity with the history of service of our Club”.

Wanda Albanese De Leo, President of the LC Reggio Calabria Host declares: “I have always thought that the function of leadership coincides perfectly with that of the President. It is precisely this charge that makes the club compact, cohesive and operationally active in a lionistic way. Aggregate trying to avoid conflicts of any kind. And by aggregation I also mean the involvement of each individual member through their professional peculiarities. I make my own a thought from Indira Gandhi: Once upon a time leadership meant knowing how to impose oneself, today it means possessing the qualities necessary to deserve the esteem of others. Maybe I’m a utopian, but being a Lion means working for others by putting your heart, soul and brain into it.”

Aldo De Caridi, President of Incoming LC Reggio Calabria Host declares that: “Lions is the largest association in the world which aims to offer collaboration not to its members, but to the community. Serving was his motto and still is.

“We must not forget this. Our Reggio Calabria Host club was born in 1957 and, in addition to being one of the oldest in the south and in Italy, it is also one of the most prestigious both for its history and for the great contribution it has given to the city of Reggio Calabria and the country, both for the people who were part of it.

I have been elected President for the year 2024-2025 and therefore in the next few days I will take on this task which I intend to honor with commitment and humility. Because it is only if we approach it with this spirit that we can serve. Leadership is not power, it is service. It is service to the community in which we live, with particular attention to the weakest and least fortunate among us.

Our association, in my opinion, must become a place and opportunity for meeting, dialogue, developing social projects, a center of human interests and community choices. To do this we must banish and free ourselves from selfishness, vanity, agnosticism and much more. We must be present in all fields of social life starting from the family, school, work, culture, economy, etc.

We must, furthermore; be promoters of human values ​​and this above all with our example and with the word (the verb). We must serve.

The President of the LC RC Città del Mediterraneo, Corrado Savasta, in tracing a historical reconstruction of the notion of leadership from antiquity to today, he underlined the critical issues that this concept encounters in our latitudes due to the almost two-thousand-year influence of the temporal power of the Church in antithesis to the secularity of the concept. He also addressed the relationship between the norm and power, highlighting the difficult relationship between subjection to the norm and the power exercised by those who are called upon to impose respect for it on others. Finally, Savasta advocated an organization in the world of service, in which the figure of the club will be less and less central, and the leadership will take on an increasingly less generalist and increasingly more technical and specialized value.

The 1st Vice Governor of District 108Ya is absent, Pine Naim for institutional commitments,
previously hired is happy to express his joy for the organization of events on “Leadership” in the District which are essential for improving and strengthening the knowledge of Members and, above all, for bringing young people closer to our Lionistic Association, to understand its motivations and objectives which aims to serve the needy, to make a strong social contribution and to offer institutions that service that they often fail to provide in the area.

The Past Governor, Franco Scarpinoalways attentive and close to the Members, appreciating the enormous work they carry out in the District, extends his warmest wishes and greetings for good work, regretting his forced absence due to participation in the
LEO District Conference.

Also Rita Franco GMT e Gianfranco Ucci District 108Ya GST wanted
extend their greetings and represent their closeness to the Members present, thanking them for their constant commitment to the Lion Family which is on its way to reaching the number of 1,500,000 people in the Service of the People in the world.

Rodolfo Trotta GLT of District 108Ya concludes by saying: Leadership means mobilizing the commitment and actions of others towards the achievement of common goals.

Therefore the leader must first of all be able to motivate others to maximize their commitment and their ability to act to create the conditions so that the objectives that have been set can be achieved to satisfy the needs of those who need help and support.

Among the many peculiarities that the Leader must have, there must certainly be the ability to listen and at the same time involve others; he must have balance in knowing how to evaluate the commitment of others, patience and prudence at the same time; always be ready to reward everyone for their personal commitment in carrying out the actions entrusted to them with dedication.

At the end of the meeting the session closes Mimmo PraticòPresident of Zone 1 District 108Ya, with his thoughts on the topic of the day: “The development of Leadership in the Lionistic Association, in my opinion, means having “inside” that Spirit of service that leads to accepting all the Members of a Club with their “lights and shadows”.

The “lights” are represented by the many pleasant people, decent people, women and men united by common “interests and purposes” who belong to the Association, embracing the sense of “We Serve”, “We Can” and embodying in full the fundamental principles of Lionism and the Lion Code of Ethics.

It’s nice to be a Lions when “the group” is ready to respond to humanitarian needs aimed at social needs, when you participate with the joy and pride of giving, when you feel good together and everyone works following the same goal. One becomes a Lionistic Leader not only because one can possess an innate gift, but also when there is “Nobility of Soul”, when one is ready to help the other, when one understands the thoughts, opinions, sensations , the emotions, the hopes of others, when you can accept your neighbor with a smile.

To be a Leader you must be ready to be the first to put your hands “in the social mud”, have within you “the sacred fire” of giving without asking for anything in return. In short, we must present ourselves to the world with the business card that indicates that “where there is a need there is always a Lion”. Only if you are “born a Lion” can you become a Lion Leader. If these “requirements” are not present, it means that you are part of an “other Lions”, which aims to receive, to carry forward arrogance, arrogance, the claim to command for its own ends. I conclude by arguing that one becomes a Leader if one already has a high basis of respect for human values ​​and with the behaviours, actions and attitudes of those who are ready to “open their arms” to welcome others. Mother Teresa of Calcutta maintained that “not everyone can do great things, but we can all do small things with great love”.

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