The Autonomy exam begins in the Chamber, the definitive green light in 24-28 hours – News

The Autonomy exam begins in the Chamber, the definitive green light in 24-28 hours – News
The Autonomy exam begins in the Chamber, the definitive green light in 24-28 hours – News

The Chamber of Deputies voted by majority to reverse the order of business to address the differentiated autonomy with respect to the calendar first. Fifty-three votes difference, as noted by vice president Fabio Rampelli.

“It is not this law that creates differentiated autonomy, it is in our constitution. You may like it or not, but we are implementing the Constitution.” The Minister for Regional Affairs said this in the Chamber Roberto Calderoli. “I feel that there would be” among the “contents of the law the provision of more resources for the Regions that are better off, I’m sorry but you are talking about another law because in this one it says exactly the opposite” she added. “No blind decisions, there was also a constructive debate, the resources are not put into a regulatory law, they must be defined in the various agreements and then financed at the level of the various budget laws. Surely there are Lep that do not cost, the regulatory ones, others are already covered”, “some LEPs may cost more”, he added, referring to some cost estimates that have been circulated. I have heard hypotheses that do not always coincide with reality, there are those who say 100 billion for Lep materials… I say that first of all we need to know what civil and social rights we must guarantee, then, after creating the cost of the standard requirement, I will be able to know how many resources I will need”, added Calderoli. He made it clear that it is not necessary to do everything “overnight”: “I would be satisfied” with “allocating resources year by year for some of these Leps,” he said.

“I ask my FI colleagues, do you really feel reassured” about autonomy? “You’re proving Occhiuto wrong.” The dem said it, Marco Sarracino (Pd) during the session of the Chamber on autonomy. “The South voted en masse against differentiated autonomy,” she said.

On the part of Minister Roberto Calderoli in the Chamber there was a “self-declaration on how this measure will paralyze Italy”, “when he says ‘we will verify the necessary resources year after year'”. He said it Angelo Bonelli (Avs) in the Chamber talking about autonomy. Nicola Fratoianni also spoke from the Green Left Alliance and shared the words of his colleague Bonelli and, turning to Calderoli, urged him: “Minister, you must tell us the figures”.

“With appreciable intellectual honesty, Minister Calderoli says that he does not agree with the possibility, foreseen by the Constitution, of devolving 23 matters to the Regions. However, I remind the minister that the Constitution is not unchangeable, so much so that a constitutional reform is in discussion in the Senate. It would therefore be sufficient to approve a constitutional reform bill, and among other things, one has been submitted for my first signature, which excludes from the list of matters that can be transferred to the Regions those which have to do with national strategic interest” . He said it Mara Carfagnapresident of Action.

“The debate on differentiated autonomy is a debate from the 80s and 90s which will only lead to new public spending. An old debate, a useless, expensive, presumably unachievable task, which does not look to the next thirty or forty years, that is, to the years of artificial intelligence. Withdraw this autonomy and instead open a debate on European federalism and Italian regionalism in the times of artificial intelligence and not in the 1980s”. The +Europa MP said it, Benedetto Della Vedova.

The final green light for the bill on differentiated autonomy could arrive in the Chamber between tomorrow evening and Thursday morning. When work resumes, it will be decided how the work will proceed, whether with a night session until midnight or a river session. In any case, calculating the times for voting on agendas and for declarations of vote and final vote, the green light should arrive no earlier than tomorrow evening. Meanwhile, the Senate has approved the bill on the premiership. The text will now pass to the Chamber for examination and, according to the procedure established by article 138 of the Charter for a constitutional revision law, six months will have to pass after the second reading before proceeding with the third and fourth. It is probable, however, that the reform will come to fruition in Montecitorio only after the summer break. The Constitutional Affairs commission, to which she will be assigned, already has a series of provisions in its queue ranging from the security bill to the Nordio bill on the separation of careers. Furthermore, as far as the Chamber calendar is concerned, there are also several decrees to be urgently converted: from the home-saving one to the cohesion one which will reach the Chamber after the green light from the Senate as well as the Agriculture one. While the bill on the armed forces will be approved at the beginning of next week, which must then pass to the Senate and must be converted by 8 July.

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