Fontana in Malnate alongside Damiani. Ideal Lombardy: “A strong signal”

The governor this evening at the public meeting in Piazza delle Tessitrici to support the centre-right candidate for mayor. The provincial coordinator of the civic movement Leslie Mulas: “Our result is a boost to the coalition for a new and ambitious administration. Sunday and Monday The city has a great opportunity for change”

MALNATE – “The presence of President Fontana in Malnate in support of Sandro Damiani is a strong sign of the compactness of the centre-right at every level and of the link between the Lombardy Region and our territory, which over the years has translated into concrete and relevant interventions”. He states it Leslie Mulasprovincial coordinator of Ideal Lombardy regarding the governor’s participation Attilio Fontana at the meeting organized this evening by the coalition that supports the mayoral candidate Sandro Damiani in the municipal elections of Malnate.

“It was a beautiful evening of meeting and discussion with the citizens who already in the first round rewarded the center-right and in particular our list Malnate Ideal, a civic expression of a group that has been working together for years for the future of the city – adds Mulas -. We are convinced that Malnate has a great opportunity on Sunday and Monday, that of giving itself a new and ambitious administration by choosing Damiani as Mayor. The closeness of President Fontana is a guarantee – concludes the provincial coordinator of Lombardia Ideale – and further strengthens our belief that we are going in the right direction”.

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