“Night before exams” for 2,500 candidates

“Night before exams” for 2,500 candidates
“Night before exams” for 2,500 candidates

“Night before the exams”, the one that is about to arrive, for 2,500 candidates, internal and external, who from tomorrow in Molise will try their hand at the final exam. Of these, 1,816 internal for the province of Campobasso, 652 for that of Isernia, and 32 external in total.
The numbers were announced yesterday by the regional school office. Most internal candidates attended high school, followed by technical and vocational. There are 75 examination commissions in total: 56 in the province of Campobasso, 19 in Isernia. They are made up of an external president, three external members and three internal members.
Tomorrow at 8.30 am the Italian test, common to all addresses. Thursday 20 June continues with the second test which concerns the disciplines characterizing the individual study paths.
For professional institutes, the second test is not centered on the disciplines but on the skills needed and on the fundamental thematic areas of direction. It is a single integrated test in which the Ministry provides the general national framework of reference and the commissions build the tracks by declining the ministerial indications according to the specific training path activated by the school.
At the end of the writings, the students will have to take the oral test, a multi- and interdisciplinary interview: the commission evaluates both the candidate’s ability to grasp the connections between the knowledge acquired and the educational, cultural and professional profile of the student.
In the final ballot, the class council assigns the score for the credit gained in the second two-year period and in the last year up to a maximum of 40 points. The final grade of the state exam is expressed in hundredths divided as follows: maximum 40 points for school credit; maximum 20 for the first writing; maximum 20 for the second paper and maximum 20 for the interview. The maximum overall score is 100 (there is the possibility of honors), the minimum to pass the exam is 60/100.
«An important moment in the lives of our students, which also serves as a rite of passage, in fact it is called the final exam. However – underlined the USR director Maria Chimisso in her message to the graduates – it also has all the characteristics of an eminently public act, of importance which transforms our students into fully accomplished and active citizens. They have studied for five years, they have thought about the issues of civic education and citizen training and therefore they are ready to enter the world of adults.”
Chimisso then underlined this year’s innovations: the electronic portfolio, the single platform and the masterpiece. The latter represents «a principle even before a content. It is important that each of you, guys, feels like a masterpiece of uniqueness because it is in this uniqueness of yours that the greatness of each one lies and in the choices that each one makes.” Speaking of uniqueness and greatness, continued the USR director, «another model comes to mind which is that of Cosimo, the protagonist of Italo Calvino’s Baron in the Trees, who at a certain point chooses to move away from the earth and to climb trees. From the top of the trees he looks at the world, but in the trees he is also alone with himself. In this very important moment of your life, guys, be alone with yourselves, overcome your anxieties and think, looking from above and upwards, about what the future can deliver to you. You will be protagonists of your future.”

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