Protest in Pozzuoli, ‘Government thinks about the economy, not the citizens’ – News

Protest in Pozzuoli, ‘Government thinks about the economy, not the citizens’ – News
Protest in Pozzuoli, ‘Government thinks about the economy, not the citizens’ – News

“Our voice is heard throughout Pozzuoli, from via Napoli to the “Palazzine”. We are inhabitants of Pozzuoli and the Campi Flegrei, gathered in a permanent assembly on bradyseism, concerned about the current situation and the words of local and national institutions which so far have only aimed at a dangerous return to normality. The institutions, local and national, have thought of everything except the interests of the Phlegraean inhabitants most in difficulty due to the bradyseismic crisis”. The Bradisismo Permanent Assembly made this known in a statement on their protest taking place in these groups in the Phlegraean area.

“We have – the committee explains – simple needs.

Without the resolution of these, any return to normality will only serve to restart the city’s economy, without protecting the inhabitants in any way, in particular those who have been evicted from their homes. What is needed is the verification and safety of all public and private buildings at the expense of the State, the creation of first aid facilities in various points of the Flegrea Area, the suspension of the payment of rents, mortgages and utilities for all and also the accommodation in requisitioned structures in the area, paid for by the State, in the period of restructuring and ensuring safety and written assurance to any displaced persons of their return to their homes once renovated or rebuilt”.

The assembly displays protest banners in the Campi Flegrei and explains that “they ask us to wait for the new measures, but our trust is very low. Already in the past, politics has done nothing but think of its own interests of power, we think to the deportation to Monteruscello, to the forced eviction of the Rione Terra. It happened completely neglecting the needs and lives of the people of the Campi Flegrei. This is why we need the participation of all the inhabitants of Pozzuoli and the Campi Flegrei. will protect our interests. We need forms of popular control over every political decision and the economic resources allocated. The silence and waiting of the institutions is not a guarantee, but a danger.”

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