“In Lombardy there are dozens of commissioners missing for the 2024 Maturity”. But the ministry denies it

“In Lombardy there are dozens of commissioners missing for the 2024 Maturity”. But the ministry denies it
“In Lombardy there are dozens of commissioners missing for the 2024 Maturity”. But the ministry denies it

Less than 24 hours before the first exam of the 2024 final exam, commissioners and exam presidents are still missing. Teachers give up due to too low salaries. The ANP speaks of a “heavy situation”, while the MIUR defines it as “alarmistic”.

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Tomorrow, Wednesday 19 June, approximately 70 thousand students from Lombardy they will face the first test of the 2024 high school leaving exams. Like every year, the students prepare and the teachers compete to don’t be part of it from the examination commissions. In fact, dozens of presidents And commissioners they pulled a hole by presenting medical certificates or for just cause. In Lombardy, they were hundreds of waivers according to the president of the National Association of Principals, Matteo Loria. Professors don’t show up or withdraw because of negligible fees.

The situation presented by the Lombard president of the ANP

Teachers give up final exams because they get paid little. The wages are negligible and have never increased from 2007 to today. For example, i presidents of commission they take 1249 euro, the commissioners external 911 (halved if there is only one class to be evaluated), while those interior they receive 399 euros. For support teachers and music high school experts, however, there is no compensation at all.

The situation is serious“, He says Matteo Loria of the ANP al Corriere della Sera. “We talk about 85 waivers in the province of Pavia, 40 in Bresciaseveral a Bergamo, so much so that colleagues speak of a ‘disaster’. The problem is that in some competitive classes there are no teachers to recruit“. In fact, it is not just a question of money, but also of training. For example, at the Cattaneo institute in Milan there are not two topography professors for the second test. In general, however, ANP specifies that the situation in the Milan area it seems improve compared to other provinces.

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The ministry’s response: “Alarmist news on substitutions”

The Mim (Ministry of Education and Merit), for its part, reassures everyone with a press release in which it speaks of “alarmist news on the high number of replacements that the Ministry should have resorted to to make up for the defections of presidents and commissioners“. And he brings numbers that show how for the 2023/2024 school year there was a reduction of the substitution phenomenon.

For the role of president there have been replacements arranged in recent days 425which represent the 3.06% of the total number of nominees“, compared to 551 in the previous school year and 1056 in the year before that (2021/2022).”As regards the commissioners, the replacements have been arranged 2,516in the face of 4,316 of the 2022/2023 school year“.

The total test: what will come out in the first test according to the students

In any case, at the center of the matter are the students which, professors or non-professors, will necessarily have to face the first exam. According to some surveys, kids expect D’Annunzio, Mount them or Pirandello for the literary theme. Artificial intelligence And Israel-Palestine conflict for the argumentative one. Pay special attention to anniversaries, however, because June 10th marked 100 years since the death of Giacomo Matteotti.

The general director of the regional school office, Luciana Volta, wrote a letter to the students. Wish everyone good luck and remind them not to have “fear of dreaming, of exploring new horizons and of following your inclinations: the world needs your ideas, your energy and your commitment. Always be courageous, curious and determined“.

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