Roads, waste, water and fires: the point of the Roman Prefect

Roads, waste, water and fires: the point of the Roman Prefect
Roads, waste, water and fires: the point of the Roman Prefect
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Traffic, fires, water and waste are the topics addressed in a provincial committee for public order and safety which took place this morning at the territorial government office with the presence of the prefect Filippo Romano, the commanders of the police, the prosecutor of Agrigento Giovanni Di Leo, and the mayors of Agrigento, Porto Empedocle and Realmonte, and the Anas leaders. The first topic addressed was that of traffic. To facilitate vehicular circulation in the summer period, Anas in recent days announced the reopening of the section of state road 115, near the Ciuccafa district in the area overlooking Lido Azzurro and Marinella. “We would have a quieter summer from a traffic point of view, says the prefect of Agrigento, Filippo Romano. “At the same time, planning began between Anas and the Municipality of Agrigento. In addition to the restyling works on the road in the Mosella district, a roundabout will also be created near the junction with state road 640 which will allow on the one hand to reduce road accidents and on the other also to allow traffic to flow into the Moses village district”. Close on waste abandoned along the state road 640. The Roman Prefect declared more checks, fixed video surveillance and consequently not only fines but also criminal charges which also include the seizure of the vehicle. “We cannot afford to have an important title like Agrigento capital 2025 and then find ourselves with lay-bys full of waste and many negative reviews from tourists.” Alongside this problem there is also that of firesespecially those caused by some arsonist. “We have already given more attention to the topic with meetings in winter, the firebreaks have been taken care of, obviously little can be done when an arsonist sets fire, but now we will use the drones of the Forestry Corps, and my previous experience in Terra dei Fuego proves it, they allow us to get anywhere especially for a deterrent effect”. Maximum attention on the part of the Roman prefect on the topic ofwaterfall And of the water crisis. In Sciacca the tank drivers have returned to protest, but from this point of view the prefect says “the police will carry out their checks and accurate checks on the subjects and we will evaluate every legal provision including the seizure of the vehicle. It is unimaginable that one could refuse that one’s water resource comes from Aica”, concluded the prefect of Agrigento Filippo Romano. Water emergency that is becoming more and more pronounced throughout the territory. The issue was addressed this morning in the group leaders’ conference in Licata from which the need emerged first of all to arrange a meeting with the Prefect of Agrigento, and subsequently to convene an open municipal council in which Aica will also be invited to participate and Siciliaque. It was decided to also call into question the territorial delegation. The date identified is next July 2nd. “In the meantime, the Municipality is continuing with the mapping of the territory in search of sources of supply currently not used to try to remedy a situation which risks becoming increasingly dramatic as the summer season approaches”, the group leaders declared.

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