Ballot in Florence, from Saccardi to the M5S: the vote goes to Funaro (but then, if he wins, everyone is in opposition)

Ballot in Florence, from Saccardi to the M5S: the vote goes to Funaro (but then, if he wins, everyone is in opposition)
Ballot in Florence, from Saccardi to the M5S: the vote goes to Funaro (but then, if he wins, everyone is in opposition)

OfLuca Gasperoni

After Del Re, the former IV candidate makes the announcement: “90% of us will be on the other side of this council”

All together with the centre-left candidate Sara Funaro in the run-off, everyone against in the future city council. This is how we can summarize the paradoxical perspective that is taking shape among the centre-left political forces a few days after the polls are called on 23 and 24 June.

With the former candidate of Italia viva, Stefania Saccardito announce, after what was done unequivocally by Cecilia Del Re of democratic Florence and evoked by Lorenzo Masi of the M5s, the intention to remain in opposition in Palazzo Vecchio despite the endorsements for Funaro in view of the second round. And the Tuscan governor, Eugenio Giani, evokes auspicious scenarios after the electoral reconciliation of the centre-left: «I believe that Funaro has put a very strong and very important threat on the outcome of the ballot». While the regional opposition spokesperson, Marco Landi, lashes out at Saccardi: “It seems strange to me that he didn’t understand that what he saved was not an armchair but an unstable stool, which will fall under the blows of the wide field with the M5s.”

Completing the parterre of former center-left allies in support of Funaro but future opponents in the City Council in the event of success (a scenario that can be replicated even in the event of defeat) is Saccardi during an interview with Controradio: «Italia viva is in opposition to this government, we are in the majority with the Democratic Party in the Tuscany Region and I didn’t think it was great news to say that if we had been forced to choose between two candidates, I would have chosen Funaro. However, 90 out of 100 of us will be in opposition to this council in Palazzo Vecchio.”

In particular, the two potential councilors elected given that Saccardi will not leave his position as regional vice-president: the former mayor of Bagno a Ripoli, Francesco Casini and the Renzian coordinator in the city, Francesco Grazzini. Previously it was Del Re, the only person elected to Palazzo Vecchio, who made her intentions clear: “We are not looking for seats, and to those who ask us what we will do we reply that we will be in opposition to whoever wins in the run-off.”

However, Masi of the M5s is still in doubtwho could choose to converge with the Dems on some issues while remaining outside the possible Funaro majority.

If the balance of power in the first round were confirmed, it would be five city councilors (also counting Dmitrij Palagi of Sinistra joint project) who would swell the ranks of the opposition animated initially by the centre-right. «The citizens of Florence are free, therefore Masi has one vote, Saccardi has one vote therefore Funaro has gained two votes. They will certainly have someone else following them but the Florentines have always felt free and therefore everyone votes as they think is right or they don’t go to vote, and this is the risk”, underlines the centre-right candidate, Eike Schmidt.

All prospects to be verified over the weekend, meanwhile the two challengers organize the closures of the Florentine campaign. Funaro will be at an event at the Murate on Thursday with the newly elected dem in Brussels and on Friday in Piazza Santissima Annunziata, with personalities from the world of entertainment and then the final speech of the PD secretary, Elly Schlein. Schmidt, on the other hand, will be watching Italy’s European match at the Isolotto sports field on Thursday and the following day with various events in the city but without any party big names, as on the last occasion. But there is no air of demobilization, the centre-right candidate is keen to point out: «From 1 to 10, how much do I believe in the comeback? Between the 10th and 11th. For 29 years there has been a single-party regime of the Democratic Party, it is clear that my candidacy is like Fiorentina against Juventus.”

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