Alarm in Trentino for the new drug of «spray compressed air cans»

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The provincial councilor Lucia Coppola keeps the attention high on drug use, the true scourge of the new century that devastates entire generations.

Dangerous drugsand now they are not only found on the street thanks to a drug dealer but can be found in hardware stores, in a garage, among waste: Coppola – in the introduction to a question (number 410) presented to the council – refers to the compressed air spray cans, such as those used to clean computer and mobile phone keyboards and which, if inhaled, cause euphoria due to the propane and isobutane they contain, spray air propellant gases.

They modify hearing and vision, giving a false well-being. But the damage caused to the brain’s myelin, neurons and lungs would be irreversible.


The Green councilor asks the provincial council if you are aware that in Trentino there are young people who use new types of drugs; if it appears that there are young people who have turned to the Sert or to Trentino hospitals due to damage or dependence caused by the inhalation of spray compressed air and if in the event of a positive response, how will the Sert and the APSS are facing this situation or how they intend to address it in the near future, considering that it is a phenomenon that is not easy to control and should not be underestimated, certainly serious given the damage and dependence caused by inhaling these sprays or supplements.

Unfortunately for this type of high you don’t need pushers, and you don’t even risk prison. So the phenomenon could become very serious. The high is found in a can of compressed air spray.

The users of this chemical drug are mainly minors, but not only. Thirteen or fourteen year olds who perhaps find themselves banned from consuming alcohol and so resort to using canisters of compressed air. Inhaling or spraying down the throat leads to immediate intoxication, and instant gratification is one reason experts believe many teens use drugs.

Many very young people who have used it have ended up in a coma with their brains burned and then died after a long agony.

An additional source of attention for the police, who in truth can do little since they are substances that are not prohibited (at least in their lawful use) and an alert also for the Sert, who are faced with a new addiction.

In the introduction, Coppola recalls that the alarm was raised in various Italian regions such as Tuscany and Veneto. Some hardware retailers have noticed an increase in sales of spray cans for cleaning electronic instruments among young people, who also go in groups to buy them. Some young people have admitted that they use it to get high.

«Unfortunately I have received news that there are also young people from Trentino who use it. Added to this is a latest discovery, a seemingly harmless supplement. A legal energizing powder that unfortunately is inhaled (similar to what happens with cocaine) and is the subject of heated controversy”Lucia Coppola writes again in the introduction to the question

This product, easily purchasable online also in Italy, seems to encourage young people to try drugs that are very harmful to health such as cocaine, creating, among other things, the habit of “snorting”. The company that markets it has tried to protect itself by limiting its sale to adults and advising you to consult a healthcare professional before use. This does not mean that it is not easy to find.

The side effects, not to be underestimated, are: increased blood pressure, excitability, nervousness, cardiac arrhythmia, tremors, increased gastric secretion and sleep disturbances. It can also cause damage to the nostrils and nasal mucous membranes, similar to those
found in cocaine users. «I wonder if we are able to deal with these “responses” that kids give to theirs discomfort, creating moments of discussion and in-depth analysis outside and inside school and at the same time being an effective support for families”- ends Coppola



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