Potenza, De Giorgio is the new coach, De Vito the sporting director

Potenza, De Giorgio is the new coach, De Vito the sporting director
Potenza, De Giorgio is the new coach, De Vito the sporting director

POTENZA – Pietro De Giorgio is officially the new coach of Potenza. Yesterday morning, at the Potenza Futura Auditorium in viale Marconi, the “prancing lion” association presented the new sporting director Enzo De Vito to the press, and for the occasion, made official the continuation of the professional relationship with the coach who saved Potenza last year in the playouts. «It’s not a challenge, coaching is my everything – De Giorgio’s first words – I love this job, it’s what I want to do. It’s a new beginning for me, this time we will be able to work from the beginning and this is an important thing if you can do it right from the training camp where I intend to change formation and start the work program with the 4-3-3. We are excited and eager to do well – continues the Potenza coach – we would like to set up a team that demonstrates attachment to the shirt on every occasion.”

«Before being a coach, we like his beauty of effort, work and attachment to the club – Potenza president Donato Macchia explained in the press conference – he deserves all my respect and that of the club. We called him from the Primavera where he was doing very well and allowed us to maintain the category. For the rest, coming to the future, we have worked on a rich project, on a planning that allows us to suffer less compared to the last championship, we want to have fun but we must be wise and aware that there will be many teams that will want to do the same. In the meantime, the registration, which can never be taken for granted, was made in due time – concludes Donato Macchia – for the rest we must valorise the endogenous resources of our territory even more than in the past”. «We will take players who are functional to coach De Giorgio’s game – explains Potenza sporting director Enzo De Vito-. His confirmation? I had no doubts because I started from a concept of meritocracy, I like his way of seeing football, it is right that he should lead Potenza, he has ideas and awareness. For the rest, I know the work that awaits us, this is a great place.” In the next few days, Mr. De Giorgio’s entire technical staff will be announced. Meanwhile Paolo Fatigante will be the new team manager. Withdrawal issue. «Within a few days we will decide to withdraw and we will find a solution – explains Nicola Macchia, CEO of Potenza – Viggiano, San Gregorio Magno, Capracotta in Molise, some of the solutions we are considering».

For the youth sector, Giuseppe Lolaico (former team manager of the first team for 7 years) will be the new manager of the youth sector, while mister Pasquale Arleo will be the technical director of the same sector. «I am excited, honored and proud for this role of great responsibility which I already feel is mine. A job that I will carry out with the passion and love for this shirt that I want to pass on to young people – explains Giuseppe Lolaico – in the next few days we will make the working group official, in the meantime we have already started carrying out internships”.

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