a map of the violent routes Gazzetta di Reggio

Reggio Emilia A mapping of the most dangerous routes, those where attacks and episodes of petty crime occur most frequently. It’s one of solution proposed in the Prefecture to stem the phenomenon of aggression and violence to which bus drivers and users of the local public transport service are subjected.

The decision was made yesterday in the meeting called by the prefect, Maria Rita Cocciufawhich was attended by – in addition to the representatives of the municipal administration – also the president of Seta, Alberto Cirelli, the sole director of the Reggio Emilia Mobility Agency, Stefano Riva, and the representatives of the trade unions Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti, Faisa Cisal. The unions themselves had launched yet another alarm in recent days, in light of the repeated attacks suffered by students and operators of Seta and Til, often at the hands of gangs of very young people.

The meeting had the objective of sharing and identifying effective methods of intervention capable of providing local public transport service operators with tools that allow the prevention of crimes and the control of public safety, staff and users. During the meeting, thanks to the discussion between the parties present, initiatives were identified to implement safety conditions on buses and guarantee Seta staff an informed use of the video surveillance systems present on board all vehicles. «In this regard – they explain from the Prefecture – it was agreed to activate specific dedicated training courses a list of the urban routes that experience the most critical issues in terms of episodes of disorder or violence on board will be drawn up cyclically for the staff who work on board. Furthermore, a table will periodically meet at the Prefecture which will allow the progress of these training courses to be monitored and to guarantee constant discussion between the parties”. Prefect Cocciufa also pointed out that the issue of safety on board public transport and in rest areas will be the subject of a specific meeting of the provincial committee for public order and safety which will be held in the next few days. l © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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