from Brescia over 500 in the square in Milan

I am over 500 farmers and breeders came from all over the province of Brescia in front of Palazzo Pirelli, to raise the cry of alarm against the uncontrolled spread of wild boars. «These wild animals – explains Coldiretti Brescia – destroy food production, exterminate crops, besiege fields, cause road accidents with deaths and injuries and go as far as urban centers where they scratch around in the waste with dangers for the health and safety of people. A national emergency which has now exceeded the warning limit and which has pushed the farmers of Coldiretti to take to the field in all the Italian regions, with Milan opening a series of mobilizations on the national territory, to ask for certain and immediate answers and a change of pace on policies relating to containment plans”.

It was also set up in the Milan garrison, under the headquarters of the Regional Council an exposure with the main crops destroyed and products put at risk by ungulates. Alongside the farmers led by the president of Coldiretti Brescia Laura Facchetti, also mayors and representatives of the institutions.

In the square full of people, you can see signs with photos of the accidents caused on the roads and the damage in the countryside but also with slogans such as «Enough damage to our fields«, «Closed for wild boars», «Enough wild boars», «Boars’ nightmare roads”.

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