Gianlorenzo Franzì: “Among the cinema people talking about Calabria”

Gianlorenzo Franzì, director of the Lamezia international film festival tells his story: “I live in a bubble of resistance”

What is the film that best describes Calabria?

“I’m torn between ‘The Hole’ and ‘The Child Thief’. Two opposite films, two authors (Frammartino and Amelio) who convey a different image of Calabria: but each, in their own way, faithful. Which probably have one thing in common, anarchy, an indomitable nature. Because this is how I see my region, fluid in its being indefinable in a single adjective, aggressive and beautiful”.

Cinema people call it “the one from the Festival of Lamezia”. Gianlorenzo Franzì initially had a life as a civil lawyer, then decided to follow his passions. “I’m 48 years old, fifteen years ago I realized that I was bad at two jobs, while earning little. Now I only do one, I still earn little but I feel better. I got a second degree in Literature and Philosophy, I collaborate with Rai programs on cinema, I organize large and small events, the center of gravity is always what was once called Nicastro. I live in a bubble of resistance.”

Is his love for the city reciprocated?

(sigh) “If you are referring to politics, to the municipal administration, the relations are formally good. But the attention towards cultural associations is rather scarce. The first time they entrusted me with the Festival, they allocated a whopping 700 euros. But luckily a lot of time has passed.”

She’s happy?

“Life brought me very close to what I dreamed of doing. I’m not moving from here. It happens that you offer your professionalism without receiving financial compensation, sorry for the bureaucracy but I prefer to be precise. But I like it”.

And when he told his family: I’m leaving school to focus on cinema, what reactions were there?

“They reacted well, but I was already older, they couldn’t have done otherwise. And then, more than a choice, it was an awareness of a reality and a consolidated direction”

Experiences to remember?

“I have done and written for the theatre. A reading work on the life of Tina Anselmi, another taken from the book ‘Blood Toghe’ by Paride Leporace. But above all I remember with nostalgia the set of Wim Wenders as production director for the film ‘Il Volo’, shot in 2009/2010 with Luca Zingaretti and Ben Gazzarra, on the theme of migrants, between Badolato and Riace. And I collaborated with Moni Ovadia for ‘La terra senza’, filmed in the center of Catanzaro”.

Aren’t movie people a bit opinionated?

“We talk and text often with Carlo Verdone. And it happens that he invites me to the set. Maintaining relationships is an important part of my job.”

Sorry for the fixation. Can you tell me about an emerging actor “born in Calabria”?

“Carlo Gallo, actor and screenwriter who lives in Crotone, very good. I also invited him to the Festival. He starred in ‘The Return Party’, based on the book by Carmine Abate and in ‘Ultima notte d’amore’, with Favino as the protagonist, in some of Calopresti’s films. He also has great theater experiences.”

Have you ever thought about leaving?

“I studied in Perugia, many have remained in their North. Perhaps I foolishly thought I could build experiences by staying at home. Of course I can’t do a closed review in my town. So I go around making relationships, meeting new actors and directors, in Afragola and at the Asti Film Festival. And of course I’m looking for work and inspiration.”

What happens from 15th to 20th July in Lamezia?

“There is the eleventh edition of Liff, the Lamezia International Film Festival. Among the guests, Asia Argento, Giulio, Base, Claudio Bisio and Morgan. Free entry to the Giardini del Novecento, which is a private structure with lots of greenery.”

How is the Festival maintained?

“We participate in European planning and design tenders and in the regional ones of the Film Commission. We are looking for sponsors and partnerships, those who work are regularly paid. Behind every Festival there is a year’s work.”

Do you have a specialized facility for reading and studying Pon, Por etc?

“I try to do everything myself, I studied for this too” (laughs)

This year’s theme?

“A phrase from The Wizard of Oz. In Italian it sounds like ‘We are no longer in Kansas’. We live in a state of fluidity, we feel unease, we search in vain for fixed points, it is the story of those who feel helpless compared to the facts of the world”.

Are you able to network with other Calabrian festivals?

“We have a WhatsApp group to coordinate the initiatives, so as not to overlap with the dates. Not everyone participates, however.”

Place of the heart?

“The Falerna beach has been my sea for 48 years”.

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