Beaten and threatened with a knife by schoolmates: 2 suspects – Pescara

Beaten and threatened with a knife by schoolmates: 2 suspects – Pescara
Beaten and threatened with a knife by schoolmates: 2 suspects – Pescara

PESCARA. They beat him and terrorized him with a knife at the bus stop, in front of the Galilei scientific high school, in via Amerigo Vespucci. Now two bullies, aged seventeen at the time, are accused of beatings and aggravated threats against one of their schoolmates: the public prosecutor’s office for minors in L’Aquila has signed the notice of conclusion of the preliminary investigations, an act which is a prelude to the request for committal to trial. The violent men were identified and reported by the policemen of the Pescara flying squad. Two other people, currently not yet unknown, also participated in the attack.
The episode dates back to last September 25th. Based on the reconstruction of the deputy prosecutor Angela D’Egidio, the quartet went into action near the school building for reasons related to unspecified jealousies between boys. The fact is that the bullies, after having surrounded the peer, began to push him. Within a few moments, the situation degenerated: the victim was hit with a slap in the face. Then, the attackers humiliated the boy by spitting on his back. And it didn’t end there, because – an even more alarming circumstance – a knife appeared. The suspects pointed the blade at their rival, threatening him in a far from veiled way: “Don’t let yourself be seen around, otherwise we’ll stab you.”
Subsequent investigations revealed that the argument had started inside the school, and then ended at the bus stop. Other kids witnessed the episode, so much so that some of them filmed the scene with smartphones. Those videos were acquired and analyzed by state police investigators. Now the suspects (one of them has in the meantime become an adult), assisted by lawyers Giovanni Angelucci And Giuseppina Di Bucchianico, they have twenty days to present briefs, produce documents or ask to be questioned. Then the prosecutor’s office will decide whether to request dismissal or indictment.
It is not the first time that similar incidents have occurred in Pescara: in recent months four fifteen-year-olds were warned by the police commissioner for incidents of cyberbullying and for an attack that occurred outside a school.

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