Mayoral candidate Adriana Poli Bortone goes wild at the console in Lecce: “I dance better than Salvini”

Mayoral candidate Adriana Poli Bortone goes wild at the console in Lecce: “I dance better than Salvini”
Mayoral candidate Adriana Poli Bortone goes wild at the console in Lecce: “I dance better than Salvini”

Rome, June 17 (Adnkronos) – The square is there, the field is (fairly) wide too. In Santi Apostoli, the unforgettable ‘scenery’ of the Ulivo’s victories, the center-left will meet tomorrow afternoon, responding to the call of Pd, M5s, Avs and Più Europa. The occasion is the demonstration against differentiated autonomy. “The Meloni government is forcing its hand and trying to undermine the democratic foundations of our Constitution”, we read in the call for the event scheduled to start at 5.30pm.

On stage the leaders of the promoting parties: Elly Schlein, Giuseppe Conte, Nicola Fratoianni, Angelo Bonelli, Riccardo Magi (with Benedetto Della Vedova). “It’s time to say enough. Enough with aggression and violence, enough with fascist symbols and references in Parliament, enough with the destruction of the country’s unity. We will not allow the right to trample on our Constitution. We ask everyone to participate tomorrow “, explains Bonelli with a clear reference to the ‘Donno case’ and last week’s brawl in the Chamber precisely on the occasion of the vote on autonomy.

The schedule of the Santi Apostoli event, which takes place at the same time as the vote on the premiership in the Senate and autonomy in the Chamber, is a ‘work in progress’. But membership is growing hour by hour to include civil society, trade unions, associations and other parties.

(Adnkronos) – Among these Anpi, CGIL, Acli, the Middle School Students’ Network, the University Union, Volt. The PSI will also be there: “Whoever cares about our democracy has a duty to be there”, explained the socialist secretary Enzo Maraio.

However, the large field at Santi Apostoli will not be extra large. From Italia Viva, in fact, they have made it known that Matteo Renzi’s party will not be in the streets. Action is also absent: Carlo Calenda will be in the Senate to intervene against the premiership and Matteo Richetti will be in the Chamber against autonomy, this is the official position of the party. There is no opposition in the streets but in Parliament it is, in short, the position of Action. Even if right up until the end the organizers did not despair of having a delegation in the square.

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