Ancona, madness in Posatora: he lashes out at the officers and damages the company car. 45 year old arrested – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina

Ancona, madness in Posatora: he lashes out at the officers and damages the company car. 45 year old arrested – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina
Ancona, madness in Posatora: he lashes out at the officers and damages the company car. 45 year old arrested – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina

ANCONA – First she calls the police asking for help because her partner is beating her: then, she denies everything and lashes out at the officers. Then, she breaks the window of one of the 113 police cars. A 45-year-old Italian woman arrested. It happened on the night between 16 and 17 June, in Posatora.

This is where the phone call from a 45-year-old Italian woman to Nue 112, the single local emergency number, began. A conversation that lasts a few seconds and ends abruptly. While the operators try to contact the lady again, the police cars leave the police station and head with sirens blaring – as per practice – to the address that the lady had managed to provide.

A police car (repertoire)

After trying to ring, the policemen – according to what transpires – were welcomed by the owner of the house, a 72-year-old who was surprised at the sight of the policemen: «Come in. The argument? Yes, there was a discussion – he would have said – but we never came to blows.” Everything seemed calm, until suddenly the lady emerged.

The details that emerge from the story tell of a woman who was staggering, who could barely stand and who gave off a strong smell of alcohol. The lady could not justify the blush on her face and at a certain point she would have lashed out at her partner, hitting him with kicks and punches and grabbing him around her neck.

The police manage to separate the couple with great difficulty and in response she takes it out on them: she hits an officer with a punch while he raises a chair and tries to hit the others. A fury of only 45 years old who seems to have overindulged.

Nonetheless, the men of the Doric police station manage to block her and load her onto the Volante. If they had never done it: the 45-year-old would have continued to struggle and managed to break the window of the state police service car. According to rumours, she would be a multiple criminal offender: the woman would in fact boast a very respectable CV, so to speak.

In fact, they emerged one slew of criminal records for violence and resistance to a public official, personal injury and battery. And a judicial measure issued by the Court of Ancona. The doctors from Torrette gave her treatment after a heated show. The 45-year-old drunk woman was arrested for resisting a public official and causing damage. This afternoon (June 17), the judge validated her arrest: she now has the obligation to report to the judicial police.

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