Scorching heat: “Minos” brings a new African blaze to Calabria, peaks up to 38/40 degrees

COSENZA – Here we go again, here’s the scorching heat: after a week in which theAzores anticyclone maintained stable and sunny weather conditions, but with absolutely bearable temperaturesa new rise of the subtropical anticyclone, renamed “Minos”, will bring a sharp increase in temperaturesthis time all over Italy, even if they are the two largest islands, the central and southern regions the areas most affected by theinflux of hot air directly from the Sahara desert. In the next few days, temperatures will become the absolute protagonists. Hot air from the Saharan hinterland will head towards the Central Mediterranean, due tothe sinking of the Atlantic trough towards the Iberian Peninsula where instead a low pressure vortex will be isolated.

The escalation of the African heat will begin tomorrow. But it will be from Wednesday until Friday that we will record an intensification of the heat wave. The hottest days seem to be those of Thursday the 20th (summer solstice) and Friday when in the Center-South maximum values ​​will reach peaks of 39-40°C. Even higher values ​​(up to 42-44°C) will be recorded in the internal areas of Sardinia and Sicily.

Scorching heat for at least 5/6 days

As for the duration of this African explosion, it would appear – according to expert forecasts – already on the weekend of 22-23 June the anticyclone may begin to lose power with the first very strong storms in the North and a general drop in temperatures in all regions. To return to more bearable conditions we will have to wait at least Wednesday of next week.

Beaches already full of tourists: desire for the sea

Meanwhile “from Romagna to Calabria, from Sicily to Liguria”, summer has already begun with all the beach establishments open and ready to offer their services. Based on the bookings we are recording, we expect to be fully booked on our coasts” stated Antonio Capacchione, just reconfirmed president of the Italian Seaside Union member of Fipe Confcommercio. Culture, food and natural beauty are daily ingredients for us Italians, but for those who visit us they are the formula of a spell that is impossible to resist. After all, after a long winter and a lost May – says Capacchione – there is a great desire for the sea. The weather forecast is good, therefore there are all the conditions for a start of the bathing season which, in fact, coincides with the 2024 tourist season. In this regard I want to remind you that the60% of tourist demand (both Italian and foreign) is that of the seaside“.

Calabria hot summer sea

Unfortunately, the month of May was completely skipped due to bad weather and June began to be like a “leopard patch”, again due to the weather conditions. “We are recording, however, – explains Capacchione – an increase in foreign presences which, in part, compensates for a reduction in internal demand also caused by the current economic crisis. When, in addition to the pristine sea, the tourist location – explains the president of Sib – manages to combine a good food and wine tradition, success is assured and, above all, you can count on loyalty. For over 2 centuries, we beach entrepreneurs have known well how to pamper customers, with that professionalism and competence that has always distinguished us and which attracts millions of tourists to our beaches every year”.

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