Letters to AltriPagine | In Corigliano-Rossano the exchange vote triumphed. Here’s why – AltriPagine

Letters to AltriPagine | In Corigliano-Rossano the exchange vote triumphed. Here’s why – AltriPagine
Letters to AltriPagine | In Corigliano-Rossano the exchange vote triumphed. Here’s why – AltriPagine

CORIGLIANO-ROSANO – Dear Director, your analysis of the vote, right off the bat, is correct (Long live Corigliano-Rossano free?! We all know each other here) even if it needs to be explored further, because the business entanglements and political betrayals (Stasi wins by a landslide. Straface is the victim of a political-electoral ambush set up by “his men”) they are part of a well-orchestrated and transversal mechanism.

Right time and firm determination will soon restore the truth. Against betrayals, against the protection of private interests and even against institutional aiding and abetting in defiance of the duty of supervision there can be neither peace nor respite:

«Never give up… clench your fists, smile and start again»exhorted Pope Saint Leo the Great in 455, who armed with Cross and Banner first stopped Attila and then Genseric.

The same loading ship has set sail (or do you sail with fishing boats?)who, after having thrown the ballast and worn out hubs overboard, took on board others, of lesser caliber and no less lacking in wind and rudder (the guarantee is the “sailor’s promise” also of Schiavonea mutually made by incapable and liars by DNA).

In this confused political-institutional mosaicin which the color that stands out is the smoky gray of exchange vote attributable to the list pinquata (and not only)in order to discolour the suggestion of a false narrative of an electoral success, only the result of intrigues, bartering and various cover-ups in negative astral conjunction, placed immediately in the right place three authentic and light-reflecting tiles.

The first reflects the bad moral inclinations of a political class that is dangerous for the life of a community even if uncritical and in conditions of subjection:

«Worrying and increasingly widespread is crime in the business world, which through the system of corruption pollutes the public administration and the political structures themselves;

which through financial crimes deprives the community of resources necessary for its development…

This white-collar crime does not raise the social alarm it should cause and is therefore ensured too much impunity:

because in corruption a silence develops based on mutual gain between the corrupter and the corrupted;

because the reaction to crimes that attack not individual property, but collective property is very weak.” (Alfredo Carlo Moro, former Deputy President of the Court of Cassation and former Professor of Law at the Sapienza University of Rome).

A revival of the ethics of legality is essential and urgentbecause the fall of social control facilitates the explosion of crime and an ineffective sanctioning system is an incentive to commit crimes.

I’m referring to those my reports for facts that could constitute serious crimes proven by notarial deeds and public administrative deeds, therefore, by documentary evidence (“Pinqua” investigation: was the signature of a municipal manager forged?).

The most striking complaint, which has caused great outcry, is that of the purchase of hovels that the Municipality made from private individuals at a price one thousand percent higher than their market value (this involves hundreds of thousands of euros):

the famous Pinqua.

Public money ended up in the pockets of private individuals not by chance in close relationships of… collaboration (also for numerous professional roles) with the first representative of the Municipalitybut there is something else, and even more serious.

A civil community, if supported by normal and common moral sense, should have expressed its strong disapproval during the recent electoral competition:

Nothing, the voters voted to approve this theft of public money.

Once the ethical sense has been eliminated, the moral competition in an illegal affair:

certainly not something to boast about, indeed, to be ashamed of, and a lot.

Maybe those who say that people are idiots are right.

Fichte’s worry (I say this for those who know who I’m talking about) it is in the question he asked himself and his students at the University of Jena:

«If the elected party (and here I intentionally refer to the electoral meaning) of human society is corrupt, where should moral good be sought?”.

The great philosopher’s only response is:

«In culture: the means is to raise and advance culture».

(It’s a word!).

In an age of tyranny of the socialin which the user often cowardly covers himself with anonymity, the returning illiterates and the ignorant are the masters and culture is a loser.

The second tile is a direct consequence of the first.

It is always the aforementioned Alfredo Carlo Moro who speaks:

«Our country is experiencing a period of eclipse of legality due to the growth of a criminal anti-state, due to institutional confusion whereby the spheres of mutual competence are broken down with the invasion of one power into the field of the other.

Widespread corruption in public offices only allows clients to have what should be awarded solely on the basis of merit.

The interconnections between criminal power and political power (on the one hand contracts and favors are granted and on the other the gathering of consensus is guaranteed) demand real efficiency of the police and justice apparatus”.

This is not possible when ideological prejudice conditions the neutral application of the law.

Daily facts prove this to us:

clockwork investigations that are triggered, or not triggered, during election periods;

trivial crimes treated as serious crimes for enemies and vice versa for friends;

interpretation of the rules, depending as above, in an elastic or restrictive way, etc.

The result is not only great distrust in institutions, but great ethical and economic damage.

The dishonest people make business by governing, the honest ones, however, end up in prison and after many years, when everything is lost, they regain a shred of honor that they don’t know what to do with.

In the present, the situation – and I’m sorry to contradict the great Ennio Flaiano – is, at the same time, serious and serious:

the re-elected are in command, curators of private interests to the detriment of public moneywith many regards to the contamination of evidence, the reiteration of crimes of the same kind, the criminal association and the proclaimed vote of exchange, which in the meantime was consummated with impunity:

the author of a strong list in support of the majority also mocked everyone by fearing the risk from others.

The deterrent to crime has been transformed into an incentive for itand I conclude:

the moral of the story is the story of morals.

The third tile it is not a direct consequence of the first two, but, in any case, it is connected to them.

My complaints became public knowledge some time after they were presented and not because I made them public.

The main protagonist, having learned about it (I can only speculate how)instead of remaining silent and remedying the wrongdoing, as prudence and common sense required, had extremely disorganized reactions and arrogantly went on the attack directly in the first instance, and then cowardly, with the same false arguments, turning to a well-known and paid slanderer and defamer who lives miserably on this and, obviously, without verifying the source of the filth he publishes, which adds filth to the filth of the filthy authors.

The greed of Pinqua and the deemed impunity (and, unfortunately, the electoral result confirmed the “it is said” that was insistently circulated) they are part of his system (lucrative) of life, and neither the final certain facts nor the videos of mutual misdeeds duumvirifirst bitter enemies and now business cronies, cause him disturbance.

I cannot add anything more despicable than it should be, so I rely on the greatness of the divine poet Dante who, to describe infamous subjects of the same ilk, points them out like this:

«and then down in the ditch I saw people immersed in some dung that seemed to have been moved by private humans.

And while I was looking down there with my eye, I saw someone with a dirty head like shit”.

Filth, stench, cowardice, greed and rudeness justify everything:

swag tight in your pocket, business dealings and vote swapping (complacently shared).

Unfortunately, Alea iacta estbut we don’t give up.

Be well!

Lawyer Pino Zumpano

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