Nino Grasso’s point of view – The Telesca-Smaldone-Giuzio axis makes the centre-right tremble and makes the Municipality of Potenza contestable

Nino Grasso’s point of view – The Telesca-Smaldone-Giuzio axis makes the centre-right tremble and makes the Municipality of Potenza contestable
Nino Grasso’s point of view – The Telesca-Smaldone-Giuzio axis makes the centre-right tremble and makes the Municipality of Potenza contestable

We confess that we feared the worst during the hours of the long push and pull that characterized the confrontation between the various souls of the Potenza centre-left, in view of the run-off elections next Sunday and Monday in Potenza.

The apparent-yes dilemma; appearance-no between the lists in support of Vincenzo Telesca (the most voted) and those lined up in the first round alongside Pierluigi Smaldone and Francesco Giuzio, in view of the direct clash on 23 and 24 June with the centre-right candidate, Francesco Fanelli, held bench for hours, until 1pm yesterday, in a succession of voices, often contradictory and confusing, which at a certain point gave substance to the worst nightmares of the progressive people. That of witnessing yet another harakiri, after the defeat five years ago, in the capital municipality. And the most recent one last April to the Basilicata Region.

Then, fortunately, common sense prevailed.

In one with a good dose of electoral cynicism. And also (and above all) to a strong sense of responsibility on the part of the three mayoral candidates who sided against the right, called not to disappoint the six out of ten voters who a week ago expressed a great desire for change in the leadership of the city of Potenza. In this case, entrusting the most voted of the three (Vincenzo Telesca, precisely) with the task of not wasting the patrimony of 22 thousand total votes which he, together with Pierluigi Smaldone and Francesco Giuzio, will now have to try to bring together on his own name, in an attempt to make the 15 thousand votes won a week ago by Francesco Fanelli a minority.

And here electoral cynicism, just mentioned, comes into play.

Numbers in hand, in the event of a formal alignment between the five lists that supported Telesca in the first round, and the three of Smaldone plus the fourth of Giuzio, the centre-left coalition would have brought home – in the event of victory – 20 councillors.

While, by signing a programmatic agreement, like the one that was already made official yesterday (of which we report separately) and by renouncing the symbols of all nine lists to appear on next Sunday’s electoral card, Fanelli’s three antagonists will be able to count in City Council with at least three more votes. Because in this case Smaldone and Giuzio will subtract the seats belonging to their respective sides from those belonging to the minorities. Thus making any opposition from Forza Italia, Fratelli d’Italia, Lega and Noi Moderati weaker. Which is no small thing.

Not only.

With the “compensations” – let’s call them that – represented by the nine council positions and the presidency of the Municipal Assembly, the Telesca-Smaldone-Giuzio axis will be made even more granitic.

Without prejudice to the fact that hats off to the last two for having sacrificed the trivial interests of their respective lists (and of some councilor candidates who will instead remain outside the chamber without any affiliation) in the name of greater stability of the coalition.

So all is well, what ends well? It would seem so. Because beyond the technicalities, what matters is the political signal of unity sent to the voters. And in this case the centre-left people will only appreciate it. And mobilize accordingly. Avoiding going to the beach, as perhaps would have happened for thousands of “disappointed” people in the event of a breakup.

Conversely, in the center-right, there is an air of funeral.

In fact, Francesco Fanelli, called to replace Mario Guarente at the last moment, because he was considered electorally stronger than his Northern League comrade who for years ranked, in turn, among the least loved mayors in Italy, has proven, at the polls, a real “flop”. The former regional health councilor, as we know, stopped at 40 percent of the vote, compared to the 45% obtained five years ago (also in the first round) by the outgoing mayor.

Furthermore, while Guarente had only been penalized by a 5 percent split vote, Fanelli was abandoned by 10% of voters who, despite voting for a center-right list, then drew, in equal measure, a cross on the name of Telesca and Smaldone. As well as to a minimal extent also on those of Giuzio and Marino.

A debacle for Bardi’s “deputy”.

Also because compared to the last regional elections in April, the hemorrhage of votes that the Potenza centre-right can rightly blame on the lack of appeal of the Northern League candidate for mayor, is close to 20 percent. We are talking about 5 thousand votes less, given that two months ago more than 20 thousand voters voted for Filiano’s general in the regional capital, compared to the 15 thousand who instead lined up in support of Fanelli last June 9th.

Moreover, the fact that Salvini’s party is in great difficulty in Basilicata is demonstrated by the weakness of the Northern League list prepared by the regional coordinator, Pasquale Pepe.

Who, not finding other Potentino candidates ready to “sacrifice” themselves on the altar of a municipal challenge to the last vote, thought it best, as mayor of Tolve in office, to enlist some of his fellow villagers. Who, not being able to vote even for themselves, reported zero preferences. Not to mention those who stopped at one. Or at most three votes. Total: 12 Northern League councilor candidates in Potenza received a total of 13 votes. A Guinness average of electoral fools. Of which the former senator Pepe will, we believe, be able to boast.

Jokes aside, the ballot next Sunday and Monday could mark a turning point in the Lucanian political landscape. We will vote to elect the mayor of the Lucanian capital. But at the same time it will be an opportunity to send a strong political signal to the new centre-right regional government. And even more so to the central one, led by Meloni, in the same hours in which, after the uproar of the last few days in the Chamber, the unfortunate Calderoli bill on differentiated autonomy is about to be launched in Parliament, as part of the constitutional reform on premiership, particularly dear to the leader of the Brothers of Italy.

This is to say that we should appreciate even more the political-programmatic agreement which, despite the absence of formal affiliation, pushed Smaldone and Giuzio to take Vincenzo Telesca’s side. When we say making the collective interest prevail, in deeds and not just in words.

Nino Grasso

Read also:

Nino Grasso’s point of view – When compliance with the rules becomes an optional, a Region reduced to a “caravanserai”
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