Checks by the State Police of Bolzano: the balance sheet | Gazzetta delle Valli

Checks by the State Police of Bolzano: the balance sheet | Gazzetta delle Valli
Checks by the State Police of Bolzano: the balance sheet | Gazzetta delle Valli

Furthermore, the commissioner has arranged for a monitoring and prevention service in the areas close to some schools in the Municipality of Bolzano – in particular near the secondary education institutes in via Luigi Cadorna and the Liceo Scientifico Torricelli in via Rovigo – also following of reports from parents who had expressed the importance of carrying out checks near schools during the influx and exit of students. These monitoring activities are aimed at preventing malicious individuals from approaching children in front of schools, luring them into illegal situations or offering them to purchase drugs. During these specific police activities, no particular critical situations were highlighted.

Overall – including during the 7 checkpoints carried out along the arteries leading to the city – they were checked 13 public businesses, 81 vehicles And 306 peopleof which 96 foreigners And 94 with criminal and police records.

At the end of the activities – in which the Anti-Crime Division and the Immigration Office of the Police Headquarters also collaborated, for the parts of their respective competence – the commissioner adopted the following Measures:

5 Fogli di Via Obligatori (from the Municipality of Bolzano) against people with criminal and/or police records, who found themselves without appreciable reason and in unjustified circumstances in the municipal territory;

4 Oral Warnings (Prevention Measure provided for by the Code of Anti-Mafia Laws) towards as many Italian and foreign citizens who denote a marked social danger due to criminal and/or police records for crimes of various kinds, including crimes against the person , in matters relating to drugs, or against property;

3 Expulsion Decrees – Orders of Expulsion from the National Territory against as many non-EU citizens who, during the checks, were found to be irregular in Italy and with criminal and/or police prejudices against them. Following the investigations carried out by the Immigration Office, the Police Commissioner issued the same number of expulsion decrees against 2 of them, ordering these people to leave the territory within 7 days; if they do not comply, they will be reported to the Public Prosecutor’s Office and forcibly accompanied to their country of origin.

“The extraordinary control and monitoring operations of parks and urban areas continue in a systematic manner, as in previous weekends, where citizens have reported the presence of harassing individuals or those intent on committing illicit activities – highlighted the police commissioner Paolo Sartori at the end of the operation –. These police operations, as well as the prevention and surveillance activities carried out in the vicinity of educational institutions and inside shopping centers and abandoned buildings, are of fundamental importance to prevent and contain those deviant phenomena and delinquent manifestations which affect clearly on the safety of citizens, and to allow the removal from our territory of irregular and multiple offenders”.

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