Casoria – Vandal attack in Michelangelo Park: the new bathrooms just inaugurated vandalized

Casoria suffered a major blow to its recent urban rebirth with a vandalism raid on the renovated Michelangelo Park. During the night, unidentified individuals broke into the area, seriously damaging the new toilets that had just been installed. This act of vandalism follows other similar episodes that have already affected the city’s new infrastructure, demonstrating a worrying trend of incivility.

The Michelangelo Park, recently renovated with the addition of the House of Biodiversity, symbolizes a concrete commitment towards urban redevelopment and the valorisation of the territory. However, the act of the vandals highlighted the fragility of these new infrastructures in the face of the irresponsible action of a few individuals.

Mayor Raffaele Bene strongly condemned the act, calling it an attack not only on public goods, but also “on a new idea of ​​the City”. He underlined the importance of not being discouraged by these episodes, reiterating the municipal administration’s commitment to guaranteeing full use of the new structures by citizens.

Already in the past, the Michelangelo Park area has suffered other thefts and vandalism, but the mayor has assured that the community will respond with determination, continuing to work for the good of the city and to offer Casorians safe and functional public spaces.

The Michelangelo Park redevelopment project represents a pillar in Casoria’s urban rebirth strategy, with the aim of promoting biodiversity and offering opportunities for active participation to the local community. This recent attack, however, highlights the need for constant vigilance and more effective measures to protect new infrastructure from vandalization.

The local community, united and determined, continues to look to the future with confidence, responding to acts of vandalism with the determination to build a better and more welcoming city for all its inhabitants.

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