At CONI Benevento an afternoon of basketball between coaches and the author Davide Galieri

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Reading time: 7 minutes

At CONI Benevento an afternoon of basketball between coaches and the author Davide Galieri. Author, regulations and technicians compared is the title of the conference held in CONI Hall of Honor in Benevento Saturday afternoon. Meritorious field officer Angela Vital moderates the evening of June 15th dedicated to the two volumes on the rules of basketball, in the 5vs5 and 3×3 versions, created by the referee and designer Davide Galieri.
Numerous interventions were made by institutions and sector workers, primarily by the FIP Benevento Delegate Marco Myrrh. “We are really happy and content – said the delegate – as well as for Davide, for this movement that is trying to be reborn in the city of Benevento. We’ve been trying to broadcast the #playtogheter hashtag for some time now, playing not only on the field, but at 360° with initiatives like this that have been strongly supported for months.” Mirra’s speech concluded with the presentation of a commemorative plaque given to Galieri by the Provincial and Regional Committees. The FIP Campania president Antonio Caliendo also intervenes with a video message, warmly greeting those present and the author, remembering his being “lent to Molise but still of Campania origins”. Stefano also intervened Captainpresident of the GSMeomartini Society, recalling the “Plenis Velis” prize awarded by his society to Galieri in November.
Antonello Iuoriopublisher and owner of Grafiche Iuorio, underlines the importance of the work carried out by Galieri not only in the field of basketball but also for the city of Benevento, recalling the branding operation carried out for the municipality a few months earlier. “A big round of applause – he added – Father Salvatore also deserves it, who always supports Davide in his initiatives with enthusiasm”. Iuorio’s speech concludes by underlining how the Samnite territory is rich in resources and that these can be a deterrent to push young people not to emigrate elsewhere.
The councilor for public works and great basketball fan Mario Pasquariello brings the greetings of the municipal administration, the Mayor Clemente Mastella and the Managing Director for sport Vincenzo Lauro. “When I was delegated by the administration to attend the event I was extremely happy, for three reasons: because I am a fan of this sport, because I have seen Davide grow – since his choice to undertake refereeing – and because when we faced with Samnite excellence we can only be happy.” “In other contexts – he concludes – they consider you from Molise, but you are from Benevento and will remain so”.
The institutional greetings are concluded with the intervention of the lawyer Mario Collar, CONI Provincial Delegate. The lawyer, joking about “being from another era”, told some funny images of the history of basketball in Benevento, ever since it had the name “ball to the basket”. The underlying message highlighted by Collarile is the importance of networking to grow together, in a city that is undergoing depopulation. “Continue to love basketball – he concludes – but learn to do it with a smile on your lips, which is even more beautiful.”
The meeting continues with the intervention of technicians in the sector, primarily the video message from CIA Commissioner Luigi Lamonica. “Your work is a great help to all referees and I encourage you to continue it. As the Italian Referees Committee and as a Federation we will do everything to expand your projects beyond our borders and I hope that our collaboration will last for a long time to come. Thank you for everything you are doing for Italian referees and I hope, very soon, also for European and world referees.”
Another “remote” intervention came from the Technical Commissioner of the Women’s National Team and 3×3 Andrea Capobianco. “I read the book on 5 on 5 and I think it’s crazy work. The beautiful thing is that so much passion shines through. In all activities where there is teaching, the heart is needed and even in the pages that may seem colder the love that Davide put into creating these books shines through.”
Andrew ManganielloSerie B referee and trainer of young Benevento referees, wanted to express a special greeting, recalling: “just over ten years ago, in this very room, Davide and I began the referee course”. He continues with a technical comment on the books, affirming their innovative character in a context that is struggling to modernize. “The rules of basketball are constantly evolving and we need a young man who can keep up with this dynamism. Davide has succeeded in this and I hope he continues to bring to Benevento – even if he is in Molise – what the city deserves, because we are small, we are few but we are good”.
A choral description of the volumes was offered by the two CIA Regional Trainers, Giovanni respectively Roca for the referees and Manuela Lion for field officials. “Davide’s work manages to give an attractive and modern graphic look to a document that we have great difficulty getting the referees to read”, says Roca. “Over the years, when we have lost paper material in our training, we have read the rules less and less. I may be nostalgic, but when I have to read something about the rules I prefer to do it on a piece of paper.” Trainer Leone, however, described the transition from the “old” regulation model to the new one: “in all these years it has been very difficult to get kids to read the rules, especially since the paper version disappeared. Previously we had a very small booklet, of one hundred pages, to which monthly technical notebooks were added and, subsequently, the FIBA ​​interpretations. Then there are the DOAs, the Executive Regulations, etc. We went to games overwhelmed by photocopies and looking for news was almost impossible”. Leone adds: “as trainers we fought hard to have unique and simplified materials. When Davide’s “bible” arrived in November we began to have a unique manual to leaf through and understand. Not to mention the beautiful images, which explain everything perfectly”.
After the interventions, the moderator recalled the dedication of the 3×3 Regulation to Gianluca Gisondi, basketball player and friend who passed away prematurely, which was followed by long and moving applause.
The afternoon of basketball ends with the author’s speech, who underlines the emotion of returning to one’s own city to present the fruit of long work. Particular thanks were addressed to the CIA and to the publisher and friend Iuorio, who has always supported the initiative with enthusiasm. Galieri then briefly explained the work behind the two regulations, starting from the question “what is the regulation?” and explaining how the referee-designer mix was successful: “qWhen FIBA ​​proposes the various documents it does so in relation to an international target, but the training of technicians takes place in the youth sector which is far from such high contexts. In the design process we use to consider a target audience and its needs, which must be satisfied by the requirements. To make the rules more usable, some “complexity management” strategies were followed, such as simplification, modularity and creation of a hierarchy and logical structure. All parts of the text have therefore been divided and reorganized sequentially, to facilitate understanding and searching for information”. Galieri continues by explaining the importance of visual clarity and images in training: “man is a visual creature, not evolved for reading but for viewing images, says Bridger. The over 1000 images created specifically in the two volumes depict what is written, creating the visual equivalent of the rule”. The author also introduces the 3×3 Regulation, explaining how the success of this discipline required the creation of a specific document.
At the end of the meeting, which saw the participation of a large audience, the moderator Angela Vitale greeted those present by offering her best wishes for a prosperous continuation of Davide’s work, with some mention of the projects “in the pipeline”.



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