Regional elections, in the city of Asti Briccarello and Bosia “overwhelm” the centre-right candidates due to their preferences

Regional elections, in the city of Asti Briccarello and Bosia “overwhelm” the centre-right candidates due to their preferences
Regional elections, in the city of Asti Briccarello and Bosia “overwhelm” the centre-right candidates due to their preferences

More than a week after the regional elections, the future developments that the political forces in the field could follow to build a solid and credible alternative to the centre-right municipal administration are starting to emerge. The municipal elections are still far away (2027), but it is some exponents of centre-left parties and civic lists who are doing the math in the pockets of the candidates, underlining how the two city councilors of Uniti si po, Vittoria Briccarello and Mauro Bosia, veterans of the commitment of the electoral campaign for the Region, have obtained “a sensational result”.

«The Alleanza Verdi Sinistra list obtained 6,019 absolute numbers across the entire provincial territory, equal to 7.62% of the votes; Vittoria Briccarello reaches 2,310, Mauro Bosia reaches 2,127 – they comment Mario Malandrone (Asti Environment), Giuseppe Vitello (United we can) e Gianfranco Miroglio (Green Europe) – In the municipality of Asti, AVS reaches 3,045 preferences, equal to 13% of the votes, placing itself as the 4th party in the city, not far from Forza Italia and overtaking Salvini’s League. We are talking about parties that have representation in the Asti Council, in the Region, in Parliament, which have ministers, substantial electoral funding, wealthy supporters. This result was obtained with a total expense for the electoral campaign of 6 thousand euros, a minimal amount, but it is right that it should be so in comparison to the expenses of the other parties, costs which we will soon compare and comment on.”

But it is on the vote in the Asti capital that the analysis of the three focuses: «In terms of preferences, Briccarello and Bosia largely surpass all the right-wing candidates who will sit in the Regional Council in Asti, including the beneficiaries of Cirio’s list. In fact, only Ebarnabo’s 746 preferences correspond to 30% of FdI’s votes; Councilor Gabusi, after 5 years in government, reaches 684 in the city; the now former vice-president of the Carosso Region, who will be a simple councillor, reaches 832 preferences. The prestigious headquarters in Via Garibaldi, costs aside, didn’t bring him much.”

The exploit of Briccarello and Bosia in terms of preferences is analyzed and explained from various aspects. «First of all because they are “new energies”, because they were supported by the civic lists, by a group of young people, and otherwise young people, who animate the House of the People, because they put their face to it with an electoral campaign among the people , comparing and discussing, politely always and in any case even with those who thought differently, because they know how to interact having studied the problems and therefore reasoning about them with competence, because they have addressed local, regional and national issues, bringing issues such as healthcare to the voters among Asti and the Province, discussing the uselessness of the South West ring road, denouncing an increase in the Tari which demonstrates how poorly governed the Municipality of Asti is, never neglecting the issue of peace and an immediate ceasefire. In short – the three highlight – combining in the discussion some topics that have successfully characterized the politics of the Green and Left Alliance in recent years: social and economic justice, environmental justice, the defense of civil rights. To all this is added a human charge, of empathy in identifying with the problems of others, in transmitting the desire to place oneself “at service” without asking for anything, without pretensions and, above all, without arrogance. Two young guys who were liked, who convey sincerity, transparency and moral cleanliness.”

There is also no lack of expectations for the future, but with a good dose of realism. «The centre-right is still ahead and it would not be productive if some were caught up in easy enthusiasm by mortgaging the future too soon or, worse, putting forward candidacies – conclude Malandrone, Vitello and Miroglio – The right can only be beaten by demonstrating that they are validly alternative starting from the programs and convincing citizens that the right and the left are not the same thing, that politics is not all the same, that the programs are and must be different and not overlapping. The alternative is built by avoiding contradictions, guaranteeing coherence between what is stated and how one operates among people, starting from the material needs and needs of those who are behind and in difficulty. As in the past, we do not expect any other response other than ours.”

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