Tutino, his agent and the inevitable comparison with Gigi Marulla

Tutino, his agent and the inevitable comparison with Gigi Marulla
Tutino, his agent and the inevitable comparison with Gigi Marulla

COSENZA Let’s start from the happiest note, which is not at all a mortgage on the future, but at least it will help, for a few days or weeks, to make Cosenza football work in serenity and not to waste the enthusiasm, always generous, of Piazza Bruzia towards the rossoblù colours: the redemption of Gennaro Tutino.
Eugenio Guarascio finally produced the economic effort from which he could not escape, and, last Friday, he wanted to announce it in person, as he hadn’t done for years, with a new, light, military green jacket (the times of the canary yellow) in front of the faces unaccustomed to his presence of the local reporters.
Therefore, the first step, the most feared and awaited one, has been taken. Now, obviously, we will need to understand what the second will be, keeping in mind some things of no small importance. The first is that Tutino doesn’t want to stay in Cosenza. In reality, despite the superficial chatter, one could have imagined it for some time, but the mediocre, unwise and totally out of place words with which his agent Mario Giuffredi last Saturday he saw fit to remember him, they had the power to create a great rift in the love relationship between the footballer and the rossoblù fans. A glimpse complete with an attack on the owner Guarascio: «he didn’t even call me to tell me about the ransom, Like it or not, Gennaro’s cycle in Cosenza is over».
The second thing of no small importance is that Cosenza, who have hinted on several occasions that they have made an unusual gesture by purchasing the center forward from Parma, even if they were to, and above all wanted to, succeed in convincing him to stay (but the operation appears science fiction to say the least), then he should have him sign a new multi-year contract with figures never seen in the Via degli Stadi area.
Point three (keeping us poised between harsh reality and fantasy football): if Tutino were to remain on the banks of the Crati, at that point it would be consequential to ensure him a qualitative growth of the team who will face the seventh consecutive Serie B tournament of the Guarascian era, and this would mean many, many more money to be made and a top-flight goal. To this, the diplomatic declarations of the new sporting director must be added Gennaro Delvecchio: «before making a decision on Tutino, we will discuss with the new coach», as if the latter, even if he were Guardiola or Ancelotti, will be able to have a say in the possible confirmation of the symbolic player in the squad, after Gigi Marullaof Cosenza football.
Speaking of Marulla, one might think that for a year, Tutino was rightly defined, by popular acclaim, as the natural heir of the former Wolves captain. He has proven it repeatedly, on and off the field. With one enormous difference, however: without wanting to disrespect his memory, having known him quite well, we think that Marulla, even if he could have played the Serie A card, would never have allowed his agent to say what Giuffredi said. At most, he would have spoken, with an open heart. A question of style, humanity and respect towards a city in love with its idol which would have understood and today understands the ambitions of the Campania striker.
Having said this, barring any unexpected upheavals, it now seems clear that, once the applause is over and the fairy tale with a happy ending is dissolved in the bud, Tutino (who on social media has expressed no reaction on the redemption of what can be defined as his second homeland and on the disaster – agreed? – combined by Giuffredi) will leave Cosenza, although, at this point, it can be said that this will happen with less elegance between the parties than one might have assumed. Certainly, in addition to the gash, the agent’s “shot” generated a small miracle: making Guarascio and the entire fans together on the other side of the barricade.

General director Ursino and president Guarascio

While waiting to find out the owner’s next moves on the matter who, however, must be acknowledged, for once, for having acted with courage, we arrive at the second happy note of this hot rossoblù June: Giuseppe Ursino from Roccella Jonica and Crotone, the expert and savvy manager who at this point of his existence (75 years carried with style and great clarity), probably imagined himself enjoying retirement without modern football breathing down his neck and, above all, of Guarascio who, apparently (this is news) had already sensed three years ago that his Cosenza was desperately lacking a general manager but, faced with the repeated “no” from his only love Ursino, he had thought it best to leave that damn box uncovered. At the third desperate attempt of the entrepreneur from Lamezia, the former Pythagorean gave in. He did it, however, on his terms: only one year of contract (“I’m old, then we’ll see”), the break with the cumbersome Roberto Gemmi, the choice of the young “rampant” trusted sporting director and the possibility of deciding on everything without hassle to realize his secret dream (Cosenza in Serie A for the first time in history). Because Ursino is certainly not someone you can dictate the line to. And then there is that phrase, which attracts likes and hearts, addressed to journalists: “I will always be sincere with you, I am a friend.” As long as none of them or the writer, from now on, asks them about the budget to put on the market, because “it’s not your problem”. Which is exactly what this fragile, unpleasant and elusive Cosenza has needed for a long time, poor in communication and in the basic ideas: a CEO (who is also an operational director) with a strong personality, good at reassuring when it comes to putting one’s hands in one’s hair and wise in using the right words when something or everything appears unclear. In short, someone who, however this umpteenth restart ends up, will hardly be able to be sent to trial. All this will undoubtedly avoid a good number of traditional fools and lapses in style by a club that, just a few days ago, in order not to tell its old director in person that it was no longer part of his plans, preferred not to answer his phone.

Ursino, Guarascio and Delvecchio

Finale dedicated to William Avenues. What regrets more than anything else about yet another unpredictable new course in Bruzio is the farewell of the coach who had found his ideal dimension in Cosenza, understanding, like few others, the limits, anthropology and potential of the place. It is surprising that the coach from Vaprio d’Adda, who had resumed and concluded his second Cosenza adventure with enthusiasm and desire to start again, deprived of his friend Gemmi, decided to leave because he was “no longer motivated” and without Tutino anymore (it seems that Guarascio had not told him about the attacker’s redemption), giving up the two-year contract he had asked for and obtained. Now, regardless of what one thinks about this matter (there are those – many – who will be cursing Viali for the second betrayal in a year, and those – very few – Guarascio for not having given continuity to a technical project that was beginning to bear some fruit), it will not be easy for Ursino and Delvecchio to find an equally effective replacement around. Despite good intentions (“we won’t take half coaches and players”) discussed last Friday at a press conference. The premises, however, remaining with their feet firmly on the ground, appear decent this time. The hope, controversy aside, is that this unexpected revolution at all costs that has just begun does not produce confusion, excessive illusions and losses along the way of valuable pieces (such as Marras, to name one). ([email protected])

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